Jo Moriarty examines a study on social worker caregiver identity and distress and discovers some useful findings about the nature of stress in social work, with helpful practice messages for team managers.
[read the full story...]Caries risk assessment using the Cariogram model in young adults
This three year long prospective cohort study involving over 1,000 young Swedish adults found that the Cariogram system was no better than existing methods for caries risk assessment.
[read the full story...]Faith, charity and public sector delivery: a match made in heaven?
Robin Miller examines a US research study on faith based organisations delivering social care services and considers what the findings might mean for the UK context.
[read the full story...]Can we train for resilience to future adversity?
Martin Stevens finds some paradoxes in a systematic review on resilience and interventions to strengthen individuals against future adversity.
[read the full story...]BME communities and self-management of long term conditions
Clarissa Giebel considers a systematic review on user-led self-management of long term conditions for black and minority ethnic (BME) communities and weighs up what the findings mean for BME people living with chronic conditions in the UK.
[read the full story...]'The terrible maze': Dementia carers' experiences of health and social care
Social care super-blogger Ermintrude considers a study about dementia carers’ experience of the health and social care system and reflects on what it means for current dementia policy.
[read the full story...]Prosthetic joints: prophylactic antibiotics not recommended before dental procedures
The latest recommendation from the ADA indicates that prophylactic antibiotics are not needed for patients with prosthetic joints undergoing dental treatments. The finding are based on 4 case-controlled trials that are considered to provide moderate evidence of no association.
[read the full story...]‘More time for what’? Leisure, life and learning disabilities
Hannah Morgan from the Centre for Disability Research at Lancaster University takes a critical look at a Swedish study on leisure and people with learning disabilities and discusses what the findings mean for the UK context.
[read the full story...]What does evidence say for Making Safeguarding Personal?
In her blog, Lindsey Pike of RiPfA examines a literature review on adult safeguarding in Britain and considers the implications for Care Act implementation.
[read the full story...]What works for whom in support planning by ULOs?
Gerry Bennison explores a study on support planning by user led organisations and wonders about the implications for personalisation and equality of access to social care and support.
[read the full story...]