Mary Larkin discusses a US study of a person-centred, evidence-based carer support intervention and thinks about implications of the findings for the UK context.
[read the full story...]Mary Larkin discusses a US study of a person-centred, evidence-based carer support intervention and thinks about implications of the findings for the UK context.
[read the full story...]Caroline Struthers critically analyses research on a tool to capture understandings of dementia in UK South Asian communities and wonders about the application of the study to social care practice.
[read the full story...]Robin Miller tackles a systematic review of measures to evaluate integration in health and social care and discusses some of the challenges of integration.
[read the full story...]Clarissa Giebel interrogates a systematic review on quality of life measures for people living in care homes and discovers what’s best for people with dementia as well as those without.
[read the full story...]Martin Webber critiques a US study capturing service user views on shared decision making in mental health care and discusses possible implications for social work.
[read the full story...]Ian Cummins examines research on how mental health workers can support the generation of social capital through social networks for people recovering from psychosis and finds links with the recovery model.
[read the full story...]Mike Clark provides a timely commentary on research into the impact of personalisation on home care services for older people and finds inherent tensions between choice, competition and the desire for improving the relational aspects of direct care.
[read the full story...]Jo Moriatry examines a qualitative study about the experience of social work students who are black and minority ethnic; lesbian, gay or bisexual; or disabled and find that social work education has still some way to go in being inclusive.
[read the full story...]Jill Manthorpe examines an analysis of serious case reviews where self-neglect was a factor and discusses what this means for adult safeguarding practice, particularly in the context of the Care Act.
[read the full story...]Jenny Fisher takes on an Australian study about community development and how umbrella bodies work for networking between organisations and neighbourhoods. She considers the implications of the findings for the UK refers to some other helpful research on the topic.
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