We are looking for people who have skills in reading, appraising and writing about social care evidence. If that sounds like you, please read more and drop us a line!
[read the full story...]New NICE Guideline on social care support for older people with multiple long-term conditions
Sarah Carr takes a look at a new NICE Guideline on person-centred, integrated social care support for older people with multiple long-term conditions.
[read the full story...]Decision making among male carers of people with dementia
Jeanne Carlin explores a study on decision making in male carers of people with dementia and reflects on her own experiences in interpreting the findings.
[read the full story...]Access to justice for victims and survivors of elder abuse
Jill Manthorpe looks at a study on access to justice for victims of elder abuse and considers the implications for adult safeguarding practice and the implementation of Making Safeguarding Personal policy.
[read the full story...]Employment opportunities for all? Social enterprises and mental health
Martin Webber considers a Canadian study about social enterprises and employment opportunities for people with mental health problems such as psychosis.
[read the full story...]Dementia day programmes: how can we tell if they are effective?
Caroline Struthers looks at a study on the effectiveness of a NZ dementia day programme but wonders about the use of outcomes measures in the research.
[read the full story...]Social participation interventions for mental health: do they work?
In this blog, Ian Cummins looks at a study, which seeks to examine the effectiveness of particular forms of intervention that focus on social participation for adults with mental health problems.
[read the full story...]CQC State of Care Report and research for quality improvement: Elves mine the archive
Sarah Carr takes a look at CQC’s State of Adult Social Care Report 2014/15 and corrals the elves in to mine the Social Care Elf archive for some research blogs to help adults social care providers improve services quality.
[read the full story...]Care worker experiences of dementia care in nursing and residential settings
Jo Moriarty examines research on care worker experiences of supporting people with dementia in residential settings and discovers the value of relationships in a task centred working environment.
[read the full story...]What is the evidence for evidence-based practice in social work?
Lindsey Pike examines an Australian study on what helps and hinders evidence-based practice in social work and discusses messages for the UK situation.
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