Results: 46

For: equality and diversity

Police killings and the mental health of black Americans


Ian Cummins provides the context and perspective to consider the implications of a population-based, quasi-experimental study of police killings and their spillover effects on the mental health of black Americans.

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How do life events impact upon therapeutic work with children and young people? #MHED2018


Terry Hanley explores a recent systematic review of life events, socioeconomic deprivation, and their impact on counselling and psychotherapy with children and adolescents.

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Chemsex: just dance or bad romance?


Dean Connolly presents the findings of a recent literature review on chemsex, which explores sexualised drug use in UK men who have sex with men.

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Inclusion health: a new perspective on health inequalities?


Noortje Uphoff writes her debut elf blog on a recent paper in The Lancet, which looks at what works in inclusion health; providing an overview of effective interventions for marginalised and excluded populations.

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Gender identity in young people: determinants, epidemiology, mental health and management


Dean Connolly considers a recent review of research into gender identity in young people, which focuses particularly on treatment paradigms and controversies.

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Mental illness and neurobiological correlates in the transgender population


Dean Connolly publish their debut blog on a literature review of transgender research, which reports on the prevalence of mental illness in the transgender population.

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Digital inclusion: mental health technologies for people with learning disabilities #DigiMHweek


Leen Vereenooghe summarises a recent review paper that presents the state of the evidence and future directions for digital mental health and people with intellectual disabilities.

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Power to the people: practitioners, patients and power


Rob Allison explores a recent qualitative study of dependence and resistance in community mental health care, which looks at negotiations of user participation between mental health staff and service users.

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Sexual orientation and suicidal behaviour: what are the specific risk factors for suicidality in young LGB people?


Alexandra Pitman and Sarah Rowe publish their debut elf blog on a brand new systematic review and meta-analysis looking at sexual orientation and suicidal behaviour in adolescents and young adults.

This is the fifth in a series of Mental Elf blogs produced in partnership with the British Journal of Psychiatry.

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“Queer in the head”? Do LGB people in the UK have poorer mental health? #LGBTHM17


At the start of LGBT History Month, Sarah Carr presents some recent research into sexual orientation and symptoms of common mental disorder or low wellbeing.

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