Third molar extraction– effect of preoperative oral corticosteroids on pain, swelling and trismus


Four RCTs involving a total of 212 patients were included in this review of a single pre-operative dose of oral corticosteroids in reducing pain,swelling & trismus after surgical removal of lower third molars. While the findings suggested there was little benefit to the patients none of the studies were small and none of them were at low risk of bias.

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Mental health interventions for healthcare staff in infectious disease outbreaks


In her debut blog, Bryony Porter summarises a systematic review exploring interventions to address mental health issues in healthcare workers during infectious disease outbreaks.

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Expertise from outside the Academy: tapering off antidepressants


Mark Horowitz considers a recent article written by Adele Framer, Founder of, which describes how best to help people who are tapering off antidepressants.

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Titanium or biodegradable osteosyntheses in orthognathic surgery?


This review assessing the efficacy and morbidity of biodegradable vs. titanium osteosyntheses in orthognathic surgery included 33 studies 11 of which were RCTs. The findings suggest that biodegradable osteosyntheses is a valid alternative to titanium osteosyntheses for orthognathic surgery, but the quality of evidence is low.

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Migrant mental health in Norway: variation in the prevalence of psychiatric diagnoses


In her debut blog, Yasmin Ahmadzadeh reviews a recent cohort study exploring the prevalence of mental disorders among young adults of immigrant background in Norway.

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Prison and mental illness: the unmet needs associated with reincarceration


Danny Whiting reviews a recent Canadian prison study which finds that schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and homelessness are some of the factors significantly associated with reincarceration.

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Are homeless people more likely to die by suicide?


Ian Cummins explores a study that analysed data from the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health, which finds that homeless people were more likely to die by suicide after discharge from hospital than non-homeless people.

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Caries risk models – Predictive performance

shutterstock_48486751 stomatologist shows x-ray

Sergio Uribe in his first Dental ELf blog looks at this review of the predictive performance of seven caries risk assessment models. While the findings suggest a resonable performance from the full and reduced Cariogram more high quality studies are needed in particular in relation to communication of risk to patients and its impact.

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Healthcare contact prior to suicide: key opportunities for suicide prevention


In her debut blog, Su-Gwan Tham explores a Welsh population-based data linkage study, which finds that almost 3 in 4 people (73%) who died by suicide in Wales had contact with services in the month before their death.

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Social media peer support groups for OCD and related disorders: helpful or harmful?


In her debut blog, Margherita Zenoni explores a mixed methods survey, which finds that social media support groups may be harmful for some people with OCD or related disorders.

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