Psychotherapy and antidepressant tapering can help people at risk of depression relapse, but more evidence needed before we can provide personalised treatment


Jessica Scaife reviews a individual patient data meta-analysis exploring the continuation of antidepressants versus sequential psychological interventions to prevent relapse in depression.

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Inequalities in accessing dementia care and support during COVID-19

old man and woman with mask looking through window

Catherine Talbot reviews a recent qualitative study on accessing post-diagnostic dementia care before and since COVID-19, which highlights the need to reduce inequalities in dementia care.

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Prevention toolkit from Public Health England


An updated version of ‘Delivering Better Oral Health, ’ the oral health prevention toolkit published iby Public Health England to provide practical evidence-based guidance for promoting oral health and preventing oral disease is now available.

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Barriers to citizenship for people living with mental health problems


In their debut blog, Nagina Khan and Subodh Dave review a qualitative paper exploring the barriers to citizenship that people with mental health problems face.

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Vital pulp therapy in permanent teeth


This review aimed to evaluate the association of preoperative factors or intraoperative factors with treatment outcomes of vital pulp therapy. 14 RCTs were included with the findings indicating a 93.2% (95%CI; 91-6% to 94.9%) success rate using contemporary bioceramic material based on low certainty evidence.

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The potential of virtual reality to address social functioning impairments in people with psychosis


Andie Ashdown and Theophanis Kyriacou summarise a systematic review on virtual reality-based assessment and treatment of social functioning impairments in psychosis.

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COVID-19: Casting forward the shadow

For various reasons, including cultural and socioeconomic factors, parents of children with intellectual disability have been shown to be at a greater risk of developing psychological disorders. In this study, Baker et al. investigate the well-being of caregivers in that context.

While turning on the TV or radio to hear about other countries’ COVID-19 experiences is likely to be more of a home rather than work activity, there is also some value in thinking about this professionally. Fortunately, some people have done lots of the heavy lifting for us, by working collaboratively to share their thinking. [read the full story…]

Alexithymia and suicide, violence, and dual harm in male prisoners


Ross Nedoma reviews a recent cross-sectional study examining the links between alexithymia and suicide, violence or dual harm among male prisoners in the UK.

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Face-bow transfer and prosthetic outcomes


This review of face‐bow transfer on the outcome of a dental prosthesis fabrication included 15 RCTs involving 406 patients. All but one study reported either no difference or better outcomes without the use of the face-bow.

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Volunteering in later life: good for our physical health, but more evidence needed on mental health


Sophie Large summarises a recent Campbell Systematic Review, which explores the impact of volunteering on the physical and mental health of older volunteers.

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