Parenting practices and bullying in adolescents: what’s the link? #CAMHScampfire


Douglas Badenoch appraises a recent cross-sectional study, which looks the associations between parenting practices and bullying in adolescents.

Follow #CAMHScampfire on Twitter at 5pm GMT on Monday 22nd November for an online journal club discussing this paper. Or sign up now to join the free webinar hosted by ACAMH.

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Microwave disinfection of acrylic dentures


This review of effect of microwave disinfection on the dimensional stability of denture base acrylic resins included 7 in-vitro studies. A wide range of microwave disinfection protocols were used with the reviewers specifying two protocols that may be safe. However because of the heterogeneity and the small number of studies included these finding should be considered cautiously.

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‘Did not attend’: what are the barriers to attending initial psychotherapy appointments?


Laurence Palfreyman explores a mixed methods systematic review, which brings together research from across the world looking at why people fail to attend their first psychotherapy appointment.

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Atraumatic restorative treatment (ART)

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This review of the survival of atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) in both permanent and primary teeth, when performed in conventional dental clinics and field settings included 34 studies. The findings suggest similar survival rates in both clinica and field settings but the quality of the evidence is low.

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Maintenance or discontinuation of antidepressants for depression? Findings from the ANTLER trial

For every 6 people stopping their medication there was one additional relapse compared to those who maintained their antidepressant treatment, suggesting that stopping medication has an increased risk of relapse.

Raphael Rifkin-Zybutz and Sameer Jauhar summarise the recently published ANTLER trial, which explores whether antidepressant maintenance can reduce the risk of relapse in depression.

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Early enamel caries: Detection and diagnosis


This comparative analysis of 5 Cochrane caries diagnostic test accuracy studies provides summary estimates for most currently available technologies. However the certainty of the evidence is considered low and it is difficult to predict real world performance.

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Loneliness “from the outside”: how are lonely young people perceived by others?


In her debut blog, Phoebe McKenna-Plumley explores a mixed methods study of young people, which finds concordance between self-reported loneliness and others’ perceptions of loneliness.

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Osteonecrosis in bisphosphonate users having dental procedures


This review of the the frequency of osteonecrosis of the jaw in bisphosphonate users undergoing dental interventions included 27 studies. having dental procedures of 2.7% (95%CI: 0.9 to 5.2%) being higher in those having dental extractions 4.1% (95%CI: 1.5 to 7.7%).

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Dental implants – post-operative pain management

The authors sought to review available literature relating to SSRI withdrawal syndromes

This review evaluating clinical efficacy of analgesics in mitigating orofacial pain following dental implant surgery included 9 RCTs. While the findings suggest analgesics may be beneficial the number of studies is small an additional infromation is required on which medication,, dosage, dosing schedule, administration route and adverse effects.

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What impact does racism have on the mental health of multiracial people?


Andie Ashdown and Theophanis Kyriacou appraise a cross-sectional study looking at the impact that racial discrimination experienced by multiracial people can have on their mental wellbeing.

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