Tooth crowding in children: Which orthodontic intervention?


This Cochrane review of the effects of orthodontic interventions for preventing or correcting crowded teeth in children included 24 RCTs. A wide range of interventions were assessed typically is small single studies so the available evidence is of very low certainty.

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Lamotrigine in the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder

Lamotrigine, an anticonvulsant drug, is licensed in the United States for the maintenance treatment of bipolar I disorder and in the UK to prevent depressive episodes in bipolar disorder. Hashimoto and colleagues (2021) performed a Cochrane Intervention Review to explore whether lamotrigine is effective and safe compared to the most established maintenance treatment, lithium, and placebo.

Michael Ostacher critically appraises and summarises a recent Cochrane systematic review, which presents the latest best evidence on the efficacy of lamotrigine in the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder.

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Chemotherapy for oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer


This review of whether chemotherapy, in addition to radiotherapy and/or surgery for oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer, results in improved overall survival included 100 studies. the findings indicated some benefit only when used in a few specific circumstances.

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“It’s like putting a penguin on the floor”: what can the perspectives of youth with autism teach us about social inclusion? #ActiveIngredientsMH


Xanthe Hunt and Jason Bantjes consider the perspectives of autistic young people affected by social exclusion, and present early findings from their new active ingredients review which looks at the role of social inclusion interventions in improving adolescent mental health.

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Early detection of oral cancer and oral potentially malignant disorders


This Cochrane review update of the diagnostic test accuracy of conventional oral examination, vital rinsing, light-based detection, mouth self-examination, remote screening, and biomarkers, used singly or in combination, for the early detection of OPMD or OSCC in apparently healthy adults included 18 studies.

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Why doesn’t parent involvement help treat children with anxiety?


In her debut blog, Jeanne Wolstencroft summarises a systematic review finding that parental involvement in therapy doesn’t help treat children with anxiety.

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Maxillary sinus augmentation – relative performance of available biomaterials and the challenge of small studies

Sinus Lift

Mark Steven Howe takes a detailed look at this Bayesian network meta-analysis (NMA) assessing the relative performance of diffferent biomaterials used for maxillary sinus augmentation. 34 RCTs with 28 different treatment options providing a large number of potential pairwise comparisons although only a small number used direct data. The findings suggest little difference beween the various biomaterials but the available studies are small with only 5 being at low risk of bias.

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Supporting the supporters: peer support in early intervention in psychosis


In her debut blog, Natalie Kashirsky explores a qualitative study finding valuable mechanisms of peer support in early intervention in psychosis services.

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Infrastructures fit for purpose? The complex challenges in sharing mental health data


Louise Arsenault provides a fascinating overview on the challenges and complexities of sharing mental health data in the UK.

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