Do experiences of loneliness differ across the lifespan?


Gemma Wilson-Menzfeld and Alison Osborne review a nationally representative US survey which finds that loneliness affects people of all ages; particularly young adults, people in middle age, and also very old age.

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Trauma-informed care in mental health: why we need it and what it should look like


Aneta Zarska blogs about a qualitative research study from Australia that outlines what trauma-informed care should look like, by asking people with experience of mental health difficulties.

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Anaesthetic techniques for mandibular posterior teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis

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This review of the most effective method of anaesthesia for mandibular posterior teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis included 22 RCTs. The findings suggest that buccal infiltraion and inferior alveolar nerve block ,Vazirani-Akinosi nerve block and introsseus injections performed better but the evidence was only of low to very low certainty.

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Behavioural therapies may reduce inattention symptoms in adults with ADHD


Shubhangi Karmakar summarises a systematic review on the effects and feasibility of psychological interventions to reduce inattention symptoms in adults with ADHD, which highlights significant uncertainty in the field.

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Palatally displaced canines: Procedures to promote eruption


This Cochrane review update of interceptive procedures included 4 RCTs to promote the eruption of palatally displaced permanent canines (PDCs) involving a total of 199 patients. The findings indicate that extraction of the primary canine man increase the the proportion of erupted PDCs but the evidence is very uncertain.

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Family support and parenting interventions for youth anxiety and depression in low and middle income countries #ActiveIngredientsMH


In their debut blog, Zill-e-Huma & colleagues explore a systematic review finding family interventions beneficial for child anxiety and depression in low and middle income countries.

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Posterior crossbites – orthodontic treatments


This Cochrane review update of the effects of different orthodontic treatments for posterior crossbites included 31 RCTS eight of whihc were at low risk of bias. They found that for children iaged 7 to 11 years old), quad-helix and expansion plates were more beneficial than no treatment for correcting posterior crossbites.

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Exposure to air pollution increases mental health service use, according to new UK study


Wajeeha Raza and Peter Coventry review a retrospective cohort study exploring the association between air pollution exposure and mental health service use among individuals with first presentations of psychotic and mood disorders.

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Hidden from the world: Out of area hospital placements for people diagnosed with personality disorder #NoOOA


Andy Bell summarises a new BIGSPD report on out-of-area placements for people with a personality disorder published today, which confirms that discriminatory treatment of people diagnosed with personality disorders is costly both to the people concerned and their families and to the health and care system.

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Why don’t people receive a psychosocial assessment in emergency departments after self-harm?


Amelia Talbot looks at a recent qualitative study of patient and carer perspectives, which explores the reasons why some patients do not receive a psychosocial assessment in emergency departments following self-harm.

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