How the pro-eating disorders community gain influence on Twitter #Proana


In her debut blog, Megan Buoey summarises a social media study which explores how pro-eating disorder communities grow on Twitter.

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Occlusal schemes for complete dentures


This overview of reviews of the influence of occlusal schemes on the clinical performance of and patient satisfaction with complete dentures included 10 systematic reviews. While the findings suggest that occlusal schemes might interfere with the clinical performance the results should be carefully considered because of the low quality of the systematic reviews included.

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Photodynamic therapy for denture stomatitis

shutterstock_28911784 False teeth

This review of comparing photodynamic therapy (PDT) and antifungals or the treatment of denture stomatitis included 5 studies involving a total of 218 patients. While the findings suggest that PDT is effective none of the the studies was at low risk of bias and the treatment protocols investigated differ.

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Suicide in women: laws that discriminate against women may explain higher rates in low and middle income countries


Grace Crowley summarises a study which suggests that policy makers working to reduce women’s suicide in low- and middle-income countries should target laws discriminating against women.

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Air polishing or hand and/or power-driven instruments in supportive periodontal therapy


This review of air polishing devices (APDs) in comparison with hand instruments and/or power-driven instruments in supportive periodontal treatment and implant maintenance included 6 RCTs. 4 of the 6 included studies were considered to be at high risk of bias so the findings should be interpreted cautiously.

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Ibuprofen prior to lower third molar removal


This review of the effect of pre-emptive ibuprofen on post-operative pain after lower third molar surgery included 5 RCTs. Only one of the included studies was at low risk of bias so there is insufficient evidence to support the routine use of pre-emptive ibuprofen to reduce post-operative pain after lower third molar removal

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Interpersonal psychotherapy for eating disorders: a viable alternative to CBT?


Georgie Parker summarises a systematic review which suggests that interpersonal psychotherapy may be as effective as CBT for eating disorders, particularly in certain groups.

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Social isolation and oral health


In this blog Carly Ross takes a look at a review assessing the association between social isolation and oral health in adults. The findings suggested no strong association however, only 4 studies were included and these were of limited quality.

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Stratified care versus stepped care for depression: which is more effective?


Sarah Watts reviews a cluster randomised clinical trial investigating the effectiveness of stratified care compared to stepped care for depression, which has implications for IAPT services.

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At-risk gambling and gambling disorder: where are we now and where are we going?


José M Menchon and Susana Jimenez Murcia review a recent paper discussing gambling disorder in the UK, key research priorities and the urgent need for independent research funding.

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