Adverse effects of E-cigarettes on head, neck, and oral cells


Iris Vaid takes a look at this review of whether e-cigarettes have a negative impact on the cells in the head, neck, and mouth. 16 in-vitro studies showed that oral cells exposed to e-cigarettes showed aberrant cell morphology, reduced cell viability, and increased apoptosis and/or necrosis.

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iCBT for depression: reflections from university students

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Sharon Eager summarises a qualitative study conducted with university students in South Africa who identify the pros and cons of iCBT for depression.

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Prevalence of different orthodontic malocclusions


This review the prevalence of malocclusions and different orthodontic features in children and adolescents included 123 studies. However the broad range of approaches used in the studies to determine malocclusion and orthodontic features means that the findings need to be interpreted cautiously.

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Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ): Prevention and treatment


This Cochrane review update of interventions for the prevention or treatment of medication-relatesd osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) included 13 RCTs. However the studies provided insufficient to either claim or refute a benefit of the interventions tested for prophylaxis or treatment of MRONJ.

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Salivary lactate dehydrogenase in oral and potential malignant disorders

Study findings suggest a number of uses for visual aid support of Thickness Indicator Model tubes

In her first Dental Elf blog Iris Vaid looks at a review of salivary lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as a potential diagnostic marker for oral cancer and oral potentially malignant disorders.

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Just one shot at it: single session interventions for adolescent depression


Maria Loades and Georgia Herring consider a randomised trial of online single-session interventions for adolescent depression during COVID-19.

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Trauma-focused CBT for PTSD in patients experiencing an ongoing threat of trauma


In her debut blog, Tanya Garg summarises a systematic review that suggests trauma-focused CBT may be helpful for people with PTSD symptoms who are also experiencing an ongoing threat of trauma.

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Single implant restorations – Immediate v non-immediate loading


This review of clinical outcomes for immediate and non-immediate (early or conventional) loading in single-implant restorations included 10 RCTs. All the included studies had follow up periods of 2 years or more although the number of implant failures was very low overall (11 out of 522) in both goups.

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Checking compulsions in OCD: responsibility, probability and severity of harm #BABCP2022


In her debut blog, Christine Purdon explores a model of checking compulsions in those with OCD, finding that severity and likelihood of harm are important. This research led by Adam Radomsky will be presented at the #BABCP2022 conference in London later this week.

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A long-term physical health condition changes everything: therapeutic responses to psychological distress must change too #BABCP2022


Dona Matthews reviews a paper on an evidence-based theory of psychological adjustment to long-term physical health conditions and applications in clinical practice, which will be presented at the #BABCP2022 conference in London later this week.

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