Can gaming interventions help treat youth depression or anxiety?


Theo Kyriacou and Andie Ashdown summarise a systematic review which finds that gaming interventions may be useful for depression, but not anxiety, in young people.

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Odontogenic keratocsyst – surgical treatments


This review of different surgical treatments for odontogenic keratocsysts (OKC) with respect to recurrence rates includes 40 observational studies. The finding suggest that enucleation plus peripheral ostectomy/curettage and 5-Fluorouracil had the lowest recurrence rate and enucleation alone the highest but the evidence is mainly of very low certainty.

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Power, equality, diversity and systemic change: the theory, barriers and enablers for patient and public involvement


In her debut blog, Layla Mofrad summarises an umbrella review exploring the theory, barriers & enablers for patient and public involvement in health and social care research and service delivery.

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Intensive home treatment in crisis: a randomised controlled trial from the Netherlands


Lucy Maconick and Sonia Johnson appraise a recent trial conducted in Amsterdam, which finds that intensive home treatment substantially reduces the use of hospital beds in acute psychiatry, without compromising patient safety.

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Alveolar osteitis and oral contraceptive use

Anti-epileptic drugs can influence the effectiveness of contraceptive drugs

This review assessing the risk of alveolar osteitis (AO) in in oral contraceptive users included 17 mainly observational studies. The findings showed an increased risk of developing AO in female oral contraceptive (OCP) users, RR = 1.98 (95%CI:1.42 to 2.76) compared to female non-OCP users

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CBT reduces depressive symptoms in mothers with perinatal depression, but many questions remain unanswered


In her debut blog, Kyla Vaillancourt summarises an umbrella review, which suggests that CBT is the most effective treatment for reducing symptoms of perinatal depression. However, many questions remain about psychological support for mothers, infants and families during the perinatal period.

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Oral submucous fibrosis – malignant transformation rate


In this blog we look at a review of the malignant transformation rate (MTR) for oral submucous fibrosis (OSF). The review included 16 studies estimating the malignant transformation rate as 6% (95%CI: 2% to 10%)

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Can Tetris help to reduce the intensity and distress of traumatic intrusive memories?

Sometimes life seems like Tetris: it throws at you several, different and unrelated things, and you try to mix and match them, and fit together everything at your best in a seemingly infinite struggle. 
Trying to clear the stage now and then, and maybe get that winning combo, just before everything becomes too overwhelming...

Shot on Canon 550D, edit in Lightroom Classic CC.

Tanya Garg blogs a study which finds that visuospatial tasks like playing Tetris, do not reduce the intensity and distress of intrusions after watching a traumatic film.

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Bioactive glass and hydroxyapatite to occlude dentinal tubules


In her first blog for the Dental Elf Rebecca Manson takes a look at an in-vitro review of bioactive glass and hydroxyapatite for the occlusion of dentinal tubules. The findings provide some evidence that that bioactive glass/hydroxyapatite are effective in occluding dentinal tubules in an in-vitro setting. Well conducted long term clinical trials are needed to assess effectiveness in a clinical setting.

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