Youth trauma narratives: a thematic analysis of meaning-making during trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy (TF-CBT)


In her debut blog, Georgina Thompson explores a qualitative study of how young people create meaning of their experiences during trauma narration, when receiving trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy.

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What irrigation and canal dressings are most effective in the treatment of Apical Periodontitis?


In this blog Thibault Collloc looks at a review of is the effectiveness of instrumentation and irrigation with NaOCl and EDTA compared to any other root canal irrigant. The review was one of a number undertaken to inform guidelines for the European Society of Endodontics.

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Does a diagnosis of severe physical illness elevate suicide risk?


Dona Matthews reviews a retrospective cohort study of 47 million people exploring the risk of suicide after diagnosis of severe physical illness, such as low-survival cancers, chronic ischaemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and degenerative neurological conditions such as Huntington’s disease.

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Does animal-assisted therapy help reduce dental anxiety?


In this blog Rebecca Manson considers a systematic review assessing whether the use of animal-assisted therapy helps reduce anxiety during dental care in children and adolescents.

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Trauma transmission in the children of trauma-affected refugees: risk and protective factors


Theofanis Kyriacou & Andie Ashdown consider a systematic review of risk and protective factors for trauma transmission among trauma-affected refugees and their non-exposed children.

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Sodium bicarbonate for the management of oral mucositis


This review of the effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate in the prevention and management of oral mucositis included 11 RCTs. The included studies were small, hetrogeneous and suggested little benefit from the use of sodium bicoarbonate mouthwashes.

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Ketamine and suicidal ideation: French trial finds modest short-term effects


Anya Borissova reviews a French trial that claims to be evidence that “ketamine is rapid, safe in the short term, and has persistent benefits for acute care in suicidal patients”.

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Mental disorder and homicide: are rates and sentencing patterns changing?


Danny Whiting reports on a study of mental health problems and long-term national trends in rates and court outcome for people convicted of homicide.

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Can social recovery therapy improve social disability in young people?


In her debut blog, Jude Madani summarises the findings of the PRODIGY trial, which looked at the clinical and cost-effectiveness of social recovery therapy for the prevention and treatment of long-term social disability among young people with emerging severe mental illness.

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Restorative survival rate -self-adhesive resin cement versus selective-etch, total-etch and self-etch adhesives


This review assessing the durability of self-adhesive resin bonding, postoperative sensitivity, and the overall survival rate of indirect restorations compared to total-etch, selective-etch, and self-etch adhesives includes 9 RCTs.

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