Refugee dental care – factors associated with access


In this new blog Rrbecca Manson looks at a review of the factors associated with determining access to dental care among refugees worldwide. Nine observational studies were included and a number of factors influencing access at an individual level are identified.

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Online family-based therapy for youth eating disorders: promising, but randomised evidence needed


In her debut blog, Eline van Bree summarises a recent pre-post observational cohort study, which explores the effectiveness of delivering evidence-based eating disorder treatment via telemedicine for children and young people.

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Peri-implant mucositis – non-surgical treatments


This review of the effectiveness of professional mechanical/physical treatment of peri-implant mucositis included 5 RCTs. None of the included RCTs was at low risk of bias so there is little evidence to recommend one treatment of combination of treatment. Additional high quality well reported studies are needed.

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Psychotherapy experiences of young people in foster care: suggestions for practice


In her debut blog, Charlotte Kitchen reviews a small qualitative study from Ireland, which explores how young people in foster care feel about psychotherapy.

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Stressed mums and depressed young ones: does parenting play a moderating role?


In her debut blog, Svenja Geissler reviews a Norwegian cohort study, which suggests that different parenting styles can strengthen or weaken the link between prenatal stress in mothers and depression or anxiety in their offspring.

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Denture stomatitis – which interventions are most effective?

shutterstock_28911784 False teeth

This review of the comparative efficacy of interventions used for the treatment of denture stomatitis(DS) included 35 RCTs with 25 studies contributing to the meta-analyses. The findings suggest that topical antifungal agents produced the most effective clinical improvement and microwave disinfection and topical antifungals the best mycological resolution. Only one of the RCTs was at low risk of bias so the findings should be interpreted cautiously.

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Peri-implantitis – efficacy of different bone reconstructive therapies


This review of the efficacy of different bone reconstructive therapies for peri-implantitis compared to access flap surgery at 12 months or longer. included 18 studies with 12 RCTs contributing to the meta-analyses. The findings suggest that compared with access flap surgery reconstructive surgery does not offer significant improvements at 12 months but the evidence is of low certainty.

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European psychotherapists’ wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic


Mitchell Kemp summarises a cross-sectional study exploring the subjective wellbeing of psychotherapists in 12 European countries during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Adolescent depression is not the same as adult depression: new systematic review focuses on adolescents’ lived experiences

How are we currently supporting adolescents presenting with depression in clinical practice? Are we tailoring our approach, or are we treating them like mini adults?

Nina Higson-Sweeney reflects on the findings of a recent systematic review looking at the lived experience of adolescent depression, which has important implications for anyone supporting young people at risk of depression.

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Arthrocentesis or conservative management for painful temporomandibular disorders


This review of temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis versus conservative management for painful temporomandibular disorders (TMD) includes 7 RCTs. The findings suggest improvements in both pain and maximum mouth opening with arthrocentesis but these may not be clinically important.

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