The role of the gut microbiome in treatment-resistant schizophrenia


Nuala Murray explores a recent Australian case-control study that looks at the associations between changes in gut microbiota and schizophrenia diagnosis, treatment resistance, and clozapine response.

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Violence against older people is strongly associated with poor mental health #16DaysOfActivism2024


Sophie Carlisle explores the prevalence of violence against older people and how this relates to mental health. This is the third blog in our #16DaysOfActivism2024 series.

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Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me… or will they?


Laura Hemming reflects on the findings of a recent Australian study, which looks at personal language use around suicide, mental health concerns and alcohol and other drug use, and seeks to find consensus on how we speak to each other about these issues.

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The many faces of mental disorders

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Yuri Milaneschi discusses new research on the structure and presentation of mental health disorders, which suggests that although there are many different faces of major mental disorders, some of these faces are far more common than others.

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Childhood neglect: the neglected trauma? 


Dhea Bengardi summarises a systematic review exploring the prevalence of different types of neglect across a wide variety of mental health conditions.

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Conversion practices: the PRIDE study explores harms experienced in the LGBTQIA+ community

Image of Conversion therapy illustration

Vanessa Coeli summarises the PRIDE study on the experiences of conversion practices and mental health symptoms in sexual and gender minority adults in the US.

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Is short sleep linked to risk of psychosis and could inflammation be a factor?

A sleeping child

Amy Ferguson summarises a recent study published by researchers in Birmingham, which suggests that persistent shorter sleep in childhood may increase the risk of psychotic experiences.

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The entrapment caused by coercive control may be central to its impacts on mental health #16DaysOfActivism2024


Síofra Peeren explores an Australian qualitative study looking at the trauma and mental health impacts of coercive control, which suggests that psychological tactics of coercion and control are just as, if not more distressing than physical tactics.

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All eyes on the ward: the use and impact of surveillance in inpatient mental health settings


Nima Hunt summarises a new systematic review published today on the use and impact of surveillance-based technology initiatives in inpatient and acute mental health settings. The review suggests that surveillance technologies should not be used in mental health settings until further research supports their use.

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Social determinants increase depression risk: key findings from umbrella review


Ayana Cant summarises the findings from a recent umbrella review on the social determinants of mental health in major depressive disorder, which suggests that early life adversities, intimate partner violence, and food insecurity were the biggest risk factors for depression.

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