Tooth loss: does it affect dietary intake and nutritional status?

A Mediterranean diet high in fruits, vegetables, fish and wholegrains has been associated with decreased depression. Is there a key ingredient?

This review of the impact of tooth loss on dietary intake and nutritional status included 8 low quality cohort studies. Weak and inconsistent evidence of an association was seen. Further high quality studies are needed.

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Personal well-being networks for severe mental illness: the importance of being social


The University College London Mental Health Masters students summarise a recent exploratory study on personal well-being networks, social capital and severe mental illness.

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Dementia and oral health status

Caring for a loved one with dementia can be stressful at times.

28 observational studies were included in this review of the oral health status of people with dementia. The findings suggest that compared with people without dementia those with dementia have poorer oral health.

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Children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities: oral health status


This review of oral health status in people with intellectual disabilities included 39 studies. Higher level of dental plaque, worse gingival status, and fewer decayed and filled permanent teeth were seen than in patients without intellectual disabilities.

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Family involvement in acute mental health care


Alison Faulkner carefully considers a recent collaborative conceptual review, which asks why and how families should get involved in acute mental health care.

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Scaling and root planing: Do adjunctive statins improve effectiveness?


10 randomised trials were included in this review of he adjunctive use of statins with scaling and root planing for treatment of chronic periodontitis . The findings suggest additional benefits with their use regardless of health or smoking status.

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Has Time to Change made it time to talk?


Aileen O’Brien publishes her debut blog on a recent study that explored the relationship between anti-stigma programme awareness, disclosure comfort and intended help-seeking regarding a mental health problem.

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Fluoride supplements for pregnant women to prevent caries in their children

Pregnancy is a major life changing event for all women, but this study shows that women who are depressed during pregnancy are also at risk of reduced breastfeeding initiation and premature delivery

This Cochrane review of fluoride supplements during pregnancy for the prevention of caries in their children identified only a single trial which provided no evidence of caries prevention in their offspring.

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Sameer Jauhar and Paul Morrison consider the revised Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia report from the British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology, which includes updated sections on definitions, aetiology and treatment.

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Periodontal disease and pregnancy outcomes

Routine specialist pregnancy care involved an initial meeting to discuss quitting smoking and set a quit date, followed by 4 weekly telephone calls, and free nicotine replacement therapy for 10 weeks.

Twenty three systematic reviews were included in this overview of reviews reviews assessing the link between periodontal disease and adverse periodontal outcomes. While a majority of the available reviews suggest an association there are concerns regarding the quality of the primary studies.

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