Gut microbiome disruptions in depression: shifting the focus to metabolic signatures in blood


Gerard Clarke explores a recent study which looks into the interplay of metabolome and gut microbiome in individuals with major depressive disorder.

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Are Discharge to Assess services delivering on their promise?


Daisy Long reviews E.W Gadsby, G Wistow & J Billings article A critical systems evaluation of the introduction of a ‘discharge to assess’ service in Kent

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Supportive care to prevent recurrence or progression of peri-implantitis


This review of whether supportive care is effective in preventing recurrence or progression of peri-implantitis included 15 studies. However none of the included studies was specifically designed to test supportive care regimens so there is a need for new well conducted and reported randomised trials of appropraite size and duration to provide better quality evidence.

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Mental health support teams in schools: an evaluation of the UK Trailblazer programme


Lucinda Powell reflects on an early evaluation of the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Trailblazer programme, which looked at the first 25 ‘Trailblazer’ sites implementing mental health support teams in schools.

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What impacts on social workers attitudes towards evidence-based practice?


Daisy Long is back to blogging for the National Elf Service and in her first blog she has reviewed M.Kagan’s 2022 article on Social Workers’ Attitudes towards Evidence-based Practice: A Multidimensional Perspective.

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How clean is your toothbrush?


This review of the level of toothbrush contamination and the factors affecting contamination in the general population included 15 studies. The findings show that toothbrush contamination occurs after first use and rises with continuing use. However, there is little evidence of significant adverse events from current practices.

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Oil pulling for oral health

coconut oil

This review of oil pulling compared to chlorhexidine and other mouthwashes in improving the plaque, gingival and bacteria count parameters included 25 RCTs. However, the studies are modest in size of short duration and all except one study were considered to be at high risk of bias. Consequently the available evidence is of very low certainty and should be interpreted cautiously.

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Exercise for depression: an evidence-based treatment option

Physical activity engagement, even at low volumes, is associated with a reduced risk of depressive symptoms.

Ross Nedoma summarises the biggest review yet on exercise for depression, which strengthens the case for making exercise a key component in our fight against depression.

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Trauma informed care on acute inpatient units: reducing self harm and restrictive practices


Dr Kirsten Lawson is back! In this blog, Kirsten explores a service evaluation of trauma informed care practices in acute inpatient units, looking specifically at reductions in self-harm and restraint practices.

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Oral submucous fibrosis and malignant transformation


This umbrella review of the proportion of oral cancer development in oral submucous fibrosis patients included 4 systematic reviews published between 2019 and 2022. Mean values for malignant transformation across the reviews range from 4.2% to 6%.

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