Fissure sealing using flowable composite

Fissure sealant

This review of fissure sealing using flowable composite included 11 studies and suggests retention rates at 1 year may be slightly better than resin-based sealants. However, the findings should be interpreted cautious as the confidence intervals are wide and quality of the studies is limited.

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Orthodontic space closure – en masse or two-step retraction


8 small studies were included in this review comparing en masse retraction and two-step retraction for orthodontic space closure. While both were effective the en masse/miniscrew combination demonstrated a small statistically significant benefit in terms of incisor retraction and anchorage preservation.

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Community singing helps mental health recovery


As we prepare for our choral music #MentalHealthJukebox on Saturday 27th January, Liesbeth Tip explores a qualitative evaluation of a Norfolk-based community singing project (Sing Your Heart Out) aimed at people with mental health conditions and the general public.

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Mandibular angle fractures – Do third molars have an influence?


16 observational studies were included in this review of the association between the presence of a lower third molar and the occurrence of a mandibular angle fracture in adults. The findings suggest that the odds of fracture are 3.16 (95%CI; 2.2- 4.54) higher in the presence of third molars

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Antidepressants for depression in schizophrenia: when good-enough evidence is good enough


Carmine Pariante is positive about a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of antidepressants for the treatment of depression in schizophrenia.

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The Origins of Happiness: can we predict life satisfaction?


Paul Ramchandani considers the methods, findings and implications of a new book by Andrew E. Clark, Sarah Fleche, Richard Layard, Nattavudh Powdthavee and George Ward, entitled: ‘The Origins of Happiness: The science of well-being over the life course’.

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Third molar extraction – does platelet-rich fibrin improve outcomes?


6 studies were identified for this review of platelet-rich fibrin to improve outcomes after third molar extraction. The studies were small with contradictory findings so further high quality studies are needed.

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Orthodontic space closure – Springs or chains?


4 RCTs were included in this review of Nickel- titanium closing springs (NiTi-CS) and elastomeric power chains (EPC). The findings suggest there is medium quality evidence that space closure is faster with NiTi-CS.

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EQUIPment testing: evaluating a co-delivered care planning training programme


Sarah Carr treats us to a bumper blog of EQUIP studies. Think: care planning, coproduction, service user involvement and training. She doesn’t blog for us very often these days, but when she does it’s a corker!

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