Slow-release fluoride devices for caries prevention: insufficient evidence


This review of slow-release fluoride devices for caries prevention updates an earlier Cochrane review of the topic. However no new trials have been identified providing insufficient evidence to assess their effectiveness.

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Blended psychotherapy: barriers and facilitators identified by psychotherapists


Stefan Rennick-Egglestone on a qualitative study of psychotherapists’ views about the barriers and facilitators to implementing blended psychotherapy for depression.

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Autotransplantation of teeth to the anterior maxilla?

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This review of the success rates for autotransplantation of teeth into the anterior maxilla includes 17 studies. While the findings suggest high survival rates there is a lack of agreement of success criteria and the quality of the evidence is low.

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SSRIs and suicidality: effects of SSRIs on rating-scale-assessed suicidality in adults with depression


Rina Dutta and Patrick McLaughlin summarise a new study looking at the effects of SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) on rating-scale-assessed suicidality in adults with depression.

This study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry supports the conclusion that SSRIs remain a safe and effective treatment in depression for those aged 18 and over.

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Buffering local anaesthetics to reduce dental injection pain?

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14 RCTs were included in this review of the effect of buffering local anaesthetics in reducing infiltration pain and anaesthesia onset time in dentistry. While slight reductions in onset time was seen in inflamed tissues and for IAN block these were not considered to be clinically significant. However the overall quality of the evidence was low.

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Perinatal depression in mothers: how can treatment help with parenting and child development?


Eloise Stark publishes her debut blog on a recent systematic review, which looks at the effect that treatment for perinatal depression in mothers can have on parenting and child development.

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Photodynamic therapy for oral lichen planus?

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This review of photodynamic therapy (PDT) for management of symptomatic of oral lichen planus included 5 small studies of limited quality that suggest PDT may be beneficial.

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The prevalence of digital self-harm among adolescents


Alexander Foster and Tatiana Salisbury publish their debut blog on a recent study of digital self-harm in adolescents. In case you’re wondering, digital self-harm is the anonymous online posting, sending or sharing of hurtful content about oneself.

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Antidepressants can help adults with major depression


André Tomlin reports on a new network meta-analysis that brings together the best available evidence comparing the efficacy and acceptability of 21 antidepressants for the acute treatment of adults with major depressive disorder.

This groundbreaking review of 522 trials is the largest ever meta-analysis in psychiatry, and finds that antidepressants are more effective than placebo for short-term treatment of acute depression in adults.

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Dental anxiety: Non-pharmacological treatment may be beneficial

Should we be paying more attention to anxiety in people with psychosis?

This review of non-pharmacological intervention to reduce mental distress, pain, and analgesic use in adults undergoing dental treatment included 29 RCTs. The findings suggest positive benefits for the interventions examined with no significant differences between the various interventions.

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