A hierarchy of stigma based on mental health diagnosis?

A group therapy session takes place.

Laura Hemming explores a recent qualitative study of the experiences of stigma felt by people with mental health problems who were recruited through a local mental health charity.

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Mindfulness may help university students reduce stress


Judith Shipman summarises the Mindful Student Study; a pragmatic RCT of a mindfulness-based intervention to increase resilience to stress in university students.

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Oral health literacy, oral health behaviours and outcomes


This review of the association of oral health literacy with oral health behaviours and dental treatment related outcomes included 25 studies the majority being cross-sectional in nature. The available evidence is limited and further high quality studies are needed.

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Chlorhexidine-fluoride mouthwash efficacy


This review of the efficacy of a chlorhexidine mouthwash containing sodium fluoride compared to a chlorhexidine mouthwash alone includes 10 small short term studies that suggests the findings are similar for both preparations.

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Does co-locating welfare advice services improve mental health?


Katie Evans from Money and Mental Health considers a recent study looking at the impact of co-located welfare advice in healthcare settings, which found significant improvements in financial outcomes, but less convincing results in terms of health benefits.

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Smartphone apps for depression: do they work?

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Michelle Eskinazi and Clara Belessiotis write their debut elf blog on a recent meta-analysis of smartphone‐based mental health interventions for depression, which concludes that there is a possibly promising role for apps in the prevention and treatment of sub-clinical, mild and moderate depressive symptoms.

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Pacifier sucking: Limited evidence of impact on orofacial structures


This review of the effects of pacifier sucking on orofacial structures identified 17 studies highlighting a lack of high quality evidence. While some effects are suggested these should be viewed cautiously given the quality of the evidence.

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Orthodontic treatment for class II division I malocclusion

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27 RCTs were identified for this Cochrane review update early v late orthodontic treatment for class II div 1 malocclusion. The main advantage of early treatment was a reduction of incisal trauma.

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The Lancet Psychiatry Commission on psychological treatments #SeeingFurther

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Ioana Cristea highlights some of the key ideas from the recently published Lancet Psychiatry Commission on psychological treatments research in tomorrow’s science. She also raises a number of objections to the 50-page report, which we hope will generate some much needed discussion on this topic.

Look out for our #SeeingFurther podcast with the authors of the Commission and a Twitter chat at 12:30pm GMT on Monday 19th March.

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