Metformin as an adjunct to periodontal treatment


This review of metformin as an adjunct to scaling and root planing for chronic periodontitis included 5 RCTs that were of limited quality and mainly from one research group. The findings suggest benefit.

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Just how effective are digital mental health workplace interventions?


Chris O’Sullivan explores a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of eHealth interventions for reducing mental health conditions in employees.

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Top 10 research questions for digital mental health #DigitalMHQ


John Torous, Editor of the Journal of Medical Internet Research, considers the top 10 digital mental health research questions that are announced today by the NIHR Mindtech James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership on Digital Mental Health.

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Caries risk assessment: Limited evidence for current models


This review of the effectiveness of Caries Risk Assessment (CRA) models included 32 studies providing limited evidence that CRA is effective for caries assessment and prediction.

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Orthodontic patients: Reminders improved oral hygiene and compliance

Recent research has shown how behavioural activation can be delivered via smartphones.

14 RCTs were included in this review of the effect of different reminders on oral hygiene and compliance in orthodontic patients. For most outcomes measured beneficial effects were seen in the patients receiving reminders.

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Is Cannabidiol (CBD) an effective antipsychotic?


Luke Sheridan Rains publishes his debut blog on a recent multicentre RCT of Cannabidiol (CBD) as an adjunctive therapy for people with schizophrenia, which suggests that CBD had a beneficial, but modest impact on positive psychotic symptoms and severity of illness when used alongside existing antipsychotics.

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Root Caries: Incidence and increment

shutterstock_34500700 - caries sign

This review of the incidence and increment of root caries included 20 longitudinal studies that provided an overall estimate of incidence of 18.25% 1(95%CI; 13.22%-23–28%) and increment of 0.45 (95%CI; 0.37–0.53).

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Collaborative care for depression and physical multimorbidity: clinically and cost-effective over the long term


Gemma Shields summarises the findings of a cluster RCT looking at the long-term clinical and cost-effectiveness of collaborative care (versus usual care) for people with mental-physical multimorbidity.

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Oro-antral communications: evidence for treatment approaches insufficient

Maxilla, mandible, upper, lower teeth

Only one small study comparing compared pedicled buccal fat pad and buccal flap for the management of oro-antral communications and fistulae was found for this Cochrane review update of this clinical question.

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Adverse effects of psychotherapy for depression: new meta-analysis looks at deterioration rates


Edel Mc Glanaghy reacquaints us with the negative effects of psychotherapies for adult depression, through an impressive new meta-analysis of trials that measure deterioration rates in patients receiving psychotherapy compared with controls.

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