Menopause in the workplace revisited: A feminist perspective and a visit to the Employment Tribunal (ET)

If you go down to the woods today, you’ll find us discussing the last of our World Menopause Day 2023 papers

For the last in our World Menopause Day 2023 series, we are combining a paper and some recent case law, to think about some of the things that have been discussed this week through these blog posts.

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Using the highs to combat the lows: ketamine-assisted therapy for anxiety and depression


In her debut blog, Gabrielle Williams reviews a US study on the safety and effectiveness of ketamine-assisted therapy (a digital intervention combining psychotherapy, journaling and ketamine) for moderate to severe anxiety and depression.

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Prevalence of middle mesial canal in mandibular molars


This review to determine the prevalence of middle mesial canal (MMC) in mandibular molars using cone beam computed tomography included 34 studies. THTe findings suggest a MMC prevalence of 4.4% (95%Cl: 3.5% to 5.3%) in first permanent molars and 1.3% (95%Cl: 0.08% to 1.8%) in second permanent molars.

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Social Constructions of Menopause: A blog to Celebrate World Menopause Day 2023

If you go down to the woods today, you’ll find us discussing the last of our World Menopause Day 2023 papers

This is the second of three-blog posts to celebrate World Menopause Day 2023, Daisy Long looks at the social constructions of menopause based on a paper recently published in the Journal of Aging.

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There is a clear association between socioeconomic deprivation and self-harm


A group of UCL masters student review a multi-centre study on socio-economic disparities in patients who present to hospital for self-harm in England, which found large variations in patients characteristics and pre-self-harm experiences.

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Menopause in the workplace: A blog to celebrate World Menopause Day 2023

If you go down to the woods today, you’ll find us discussing the last of our World Menopause Day 2023 papers

Today, 18th October 2023, is World Menopause Day. It’s the now annual discussion on the impact that menopause has for the individual in the workplace, in the family and in our communities.

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Flap or flapless surgery for immediate implant placement?

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This review comparing immediate implant placement using flap or flapless surgery included 5 small RCTs involving a total of 140 patients. The findings suggested a benefit for flapless srugery but in addition to being small the studies were short term and 3 of the 5 studies were considered to be at high risk of bias.

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To seek or not to seek? COVID information-seeking linked to poorer mental health


Olga Lainidi summarises a paper from the UK COVID-19-MH study, which explores the links between COVID-19 information-seeking behaviours during the pandemic, and depression, anxiety and loneliness.

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Cost of living linked to depression in healthcare workers

In comparison to medical positions, healthcare workers in nursing roles were over 2 times more likely to experience financial concerns and meet the criteria for depression.

Lisa Lloyd summarises a UK-based cohort study investigating the associations between financial concerns and the development of depression in healthcare workers.

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The pill and ‘baby blues’: does experiencing depression with hormonal contraception predict postpartum depression?


Flo Martin explores a recent cohort study of Danish registry data that investigate whether women with a history of depression associated with using hormonal contraception were also at a higher risk of developing postpartum depression.

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