Child refugees face poorer mental health outcomes under insecure visa conditions


Olivia McGowan examines an Australian cross-sectional study on the impact of prolonged visa insecurity on asylum-seeking children, which indicates links to poorer mental health.

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Cement-or screw-retained implant-supported prostheses and peri-implant disease


This review comparing the incidence of peri-implant disease with cement- and screw-retained prostheses included 6 RCTs. The findings suggest no difference in level of peri-implant disease with cement- or screw retained prosthesis. However, the studies are small none of them are at low risk of bias. Consequently the findings should be interpreted cautiously.

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Capturing the lived experience of depression


Charlotte Walker blogs about a recent World Psychiatry ‘bottom-up review’ on the lived experience of depression; co-written by experts by experience and academic researchers.

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Introducing the Hope service: we need to provide practical support to men at risk of suicide


In his debut blog, Michael J. Wilson appraises a qualitative study, which examined service users, staff and stakeholder perspectives on a service helping to prevent suicide in men who are going through a crisis.

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Preventing the onset of depressive disorders #DepressionSolvingTheToll part 1

PimCuijpers square

Part 1 in a four-part series on solving the toll of depression on populations. A talk given by Professor Pim Cuijpers, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, and Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Dissemination of Psychological Interventions.

In this talk, Pim Cuijpers focuses on preventing depressive disorders.

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Equity within IAPT: socio-demographic inequalities in accessing treatment


Lawson Taylor provides an overview of a national cohort study that explored socio-demographic differences in access to NHS Talking Therapies (formerly known as IAPT) services.

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Reducing stigma and sickness absence: can a low intensity psychological intervention help us ‘Prevail’?


Emmeline Lagunes-Cordoba summarises a cluster randomised controlled trial exploring the effectiveness of a low-intensity psychological intervention to reduce mental health stigma and improve help-seeking in the workplace.

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Psychosocial interventions for survivors of human trafficking: a realist review

birds flying in a V formation over a mountainous landscape

In her debut blog, Shivangi Talwar explores this realist review of psychosocial interventions for survivors of human trafficking, which aims to determine what works for whom, in what contexts, and how.

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Low level laser therapy for burning mouth syndrome


This review to evaluate the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on burning pain, quality of life, and negative emotions in patients with burning mouth syndrome included 14 RCTs only two of which were at low risk of bias.While the findinds suggest that LLLT has a positive effect the quality of evidence means the findings should be interpreted cautiously.

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