Evidence-based school-based mental health programmes; the extent of their implementation worldwide


Tamsin Ford considers a literature review of the scope, scale, and dose of the world’s largest school-based mental health programmes, which suggests that evidence-based programmes have reached millions of children worldwide, but mainly in high income countries.

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Calcium hydroxide as lining for deep caries lesions?

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16 low quality RCTs were included in this review of the effect of calcium hydroxide lining on clinical success in treatment of deep carious lesions. 6 RCTs contributed to the meta-analysis suggesting no beneficial effect.

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Trauma-informed approaches in mental health: co-optable and corruptible?


Trauma survivors and mental health academics, Angela Sweeney and Danny Taggart take a serious look at the potential and risks for trauma-informed approaches as they are introduced into mainstream mental health systems and services.

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How far is evidence-informed policy-making achievable?


On the day that the new Mental Health Act Review report is published, Sonia Johnson and Bryn Lloyd-Evans reflect on the NIHR Mental Health Policy Research Unit contribution to the Independent Review of the Mental Health Act.

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Aloe vera for treatment of oral submucous fibrosis?

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This review effectiveness of aloe vera on alleviating the symptoms of oral submucous fibrosis included 6 RCTs . The findings suggest a possible benefit but 5 of the trials were at high risk of bias so the findings should be viewed cautiously.

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Digital interventions for psychosis or bipolar disorder: we don’t know very much at all


Mark Brown mulls over a new systematic review on factors affecting the implementation of digital health interventions for people with psychosis or bipolar disorder, and their family and friends.

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Periodontal infrabony defects: does autologous platelet concentrates (APC) improve surgical outcomes


38 RCTs were included in this Cochrane review of the effects of autologous platelet concentrates (APC) used as an adjunct to periodontal surgery. Very low quality evidence was found for two approaches involving open flap debridement.

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Social connectedness and mental health: measures and conceptual framework


Jingyi Wang summarises a recent systematic review and narrative synthesis, which proposes a conceptual framework for social connectedness and mental health.

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Articaine or Lidocaine for third molar removal?

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This review of anaesthetic efficiency of articaine for lower third molar extraction included 9 RCTs ( 493 patients -770 lower molars). The findings suggest that 4% articaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine possesses superior anaesthetic efficiency relative to lidocaine.

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A psychological victory for the domestic violence and abuse sector: the PATH trial

Young adults who reported depressive and/or suicidality symptoms in adolescence were significantly more likely to have experienced relationship violence in their romantic relationships

Emma Yapp summarises two new studies out yesterday looking at the PATH intervention (Psychological Advocacy Towards Healing), a CBT-informed psychological intervention delivered by trained domestic violence and abuse (DVA) advocates in specialist services.

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