The complexity of daily living for people with Acquired Brain Injury


Andy Mantell reviews a study by Giles and colleagues (2018), looking at the interrelationship between ‘activities of daily living’ (ADLs) and ‘instrumental activities of daily living’ (IADLs), among people living in the community, following moderate to severe traumatic brain injury.

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Dental Implants: long or short?


This review compares survival rates between extra-short implants (≤6 mm) and ≥10 mm long implants. 18 studies were included suggesting little diference up to 3 years following prosthetic loading.

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Pregnancy and bipolar disorder: international prescribing consensus?

Pregnant woman with drugs

Dean Connolly looks at an international study which asks: Is there consensus across evidence-based guidelines for the psychotropic drug management of bipolar disorder during the perinatal period?

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Involuntary hospitalisation: variations in mental health detentions across Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand

The rate of mental health detentions in England has risen by nearly 50% in the last decade. This is faster than almost anywhere else in Europe

John Baker examines an international comparative mental health study published today, which looks at variations in patterns of involuntary hospitalisation and in legal frameworks.

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Oral mucosal disorders during pregnancy – How common are they?

Pregnant women taking antidepressants should be made of the benefits and risks of this treatment

This review of the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions during pregnancy included 15 observational studies from 9 countries. Gingival hyperplasia was most commonly report however the quality of the available evidence was assessed as very low.

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Community supported discharge service for teenagers leaving psychiatric hospital


Robyn Murphy summarises an RCT that compares the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an intensive community supported discharge service versus treatment as usual for adolescents with psychiatric emergencies.

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Lamotrigine for “Borderline Personality Disorder”: should we prescribe it? #BIGSPD19


Keir Harding prepares for the #BIGSPD19 conference by reading Mike Crawford et al’s recent RCT on the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of lamotrigine in borderline personality disorder.

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Dental visits and head and neck cancer


This review of a link between past dental visits/check-ups and the incidence cancers of head and neck includes 38 studies the majority of which are case-controlled studies. The findings suggest that those are irregular of never attenders are more likely to have head and neck cancer.

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Self-harm in older adults: a forgotten group?


Karen Birnie, Haridha Pandian and Derek Tracy summarise a recent systematic review in the British Journal of Psychiatry on self-harm in older adults.

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Mobile apps- can then improve dental health?

This RCT looked at whether Mentalization Based Treatment for Adolescents reduced self-harming beahviour

This review of the effectiveness of mobile applications and text messages on oral health included 15 RCTs providing very low quality evidence of reduction is plaque and gingival bleeding.

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