Ceramic crowns: What type of finish line?


This review of the effect of finish lines on the marginal and internal fit of ceramic crowns included 16 small in-vitro studies suggesting wider marginal gaps with chamfer finish lines.

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Daily skunk cannabis use associated with a 5-fold increase in psychosis risk


Luke Sheridan-Reins explores a recent paper on the contribution of cannabis use to variation in the incidence of psychotic disorder across Europe.

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Serious about suicide prevention? Invest in primary care #SuicidePreventionPC


André Tomlin summarises a new report out today by Centre for Mental Health and Samaritans: “Strengthening the frontline: Investing in primary care for effective suicide prevention”.

Follow the discussions on Twitter using the #SuicidePreventionPC hashtag.

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Improving care for people with bipolar disorder: meeting unmet needs


Leela Sathyaputri and Jess Fiedorowicz write their debut elf blog on a narrative review of the recent bipolar disorder literature entitled: “Areas of uncertainties and unmet needs in bipolar disorders: clinical and research perspectives”.

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Infant-feeding behaviours: Can PSAS scores predict the recipe for success?


Melisa Selvaratnam summarises a study on postpartum-specific anxiety as a predictor of infant-feeding outcomes and perceptions of infant-feeding behaviours.

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Coercion and power in psychiatry #MHQT


Ian Cummins explores a Belgian qualitative study looking at the experiences of people who have been subject to compulsory mental health legislation and admitted to hospital against their will.

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Easter Break


  The Dental Elf is taking a short Easter Break and with be back on the 29th April.                

Sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS): Does SLS-free toothpaste use benefit patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis


This review of the effects of sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) free and SLS-containing toothpastes in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) included 4 small RCTs with the findings suggesting that patients with RAS may benefit from using SLS-free toothpaste. However the quality of teh availabel studies is very low.

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Compulsory detention under the Mental Health Act: significantly more likely if you come from a BAME or migrant group


Ian Cummins explores a recent international systematic review and meta-analysis, which highlights ethnic variations in compulsory detention under the Mental Health Act.

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