High fluoride toothpaste for arresting and preventing root caries

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This randomised trial comparing 5000ppm fluoride tootpaste v 1450ppm paste in adults aged 60 and above demonstrated fewer new root canal lesions in the 5000ppm group at 2 years.

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Review of apps and other digital technology to assess cognition in older adults


Sarah Gregory writes her debut elf blog on a clinical review in the Evidence-Based Mental Health journal about digital technologies for the assessment of cognition.

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Lesson observations have no impact on Maths or English GCSE scores


Pooky Knightsmith looks at the Education Endowment Foundation report on Teacher Observation, which concludes that structured lesson observation programmes have no benefits above existing programmes of peer observation.

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Young people with autism suffer poorer sleep quality than their peers


A group of UCL Masters students summarise a systematic review and meta-analysis of subjective and objective studies, which explores sleep problems in young people with autism spectrum disorders.

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Third molars: Distal caries development in adjacent second molars


This review of the prevalence of distal surface caries in second permanent molars associated with retained third molars included 11 mainly retrospective observational studies findins a pooled prevalence of 23% (95% CI; 2% to 44%).

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Pulpotomy for permanent teeth with irreversible pulpitis?

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This review of success rates of coronal pulpotomy in carious teeth with signs and symptoms indicative of irreversible pulpitis included 8 studies only one of which was a RCT. The data suggest this this procedure may be an alternative to root canal treatment.

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Can a ‘personalised psychosocial toolbox’ help people reduce ‘on-top’ drug use during opioid substitution treatment?


Vicky Carlisle summarises a promising recent RCT on the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of an adjunctive personalised psychosocial intervention in treatment-resistant maintenance opioid agonist therapy.

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Orthodontic bonding: Direct or indirect?

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This review of direct and indirect bonding techniques for orthodontic backet placement included 8 small RCTs of limited quality suggesting no significant difference in bracket placement accuracy, oral hygiene status and bond failure rate.

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Prevalence of comorbid personality disorder and alcohol use disorder


People diagnosed with “personality disorders” are likely to also experience alcohol problems.

Dean Connolly summarises a recent systematic review that confirms the very high prevalence of comorbid personality disorders and alcohol use disorders.

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Silver diamine fluoride for caries management?


This umbrella review of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) for the management of carious lesions in children and adults included 11 systematic reviews reporting on 30 unique primary studies. A consistent and growing body of research supports supports SDF’s effectiveness for arresting coronal carious lesions in the primary dentition and arresting and preventing root carious lesions in older adults.

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