Risperidone and aripiprazole: genotype, metabolism and dosage

CYP2D6 genotyping before starting treatment might be valuable in clinical practice for individualising risperidone and aripiprazole treatment.

Dolly Sud writes her debut elf blog on a recent retrospective analysis, which compares dose changes of risperidone and aripiprazole with patients’ individual genotype.

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Service user experiences of dissociation

Hands and face

A team of mental health staff from the University of Edinburgh write a joint blog on a recent qualitative study about the experience of dissociation in people with psychosis.

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Overdentures: Single implant retention

shutterstock_28911784 False teeth

This review of the the survival and complication rates of single implant retained mandibular overdentures included 17 studies (9 RCTs). While the findings suggest they are effective the available studies are small with only 3 providing follow-up of longer than two years.

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Nominate your top 3 Mental Elf blogs published in 2019 #MentalElfAwards

Mental Elf Awards

Today, please take 2 minutes to nominate your top 3 Mental Elf blogs published in 2019.

The #MentalElfAwards honour mental health research, researchers and those who communicate research findings in the real world.

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Primary teeth: Efficacy of 3 caries removal strategies

caries upper arch

This review of the efficacy of 3 caries removal strategies (complete, selective and stepwise) in primary teeth included 8 RCTs suggesting a lower risk of pulp exposure with selective and stepwise approaches.

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Weekly singing in choir may improve the mental health of cancer carers


Katherine Tallent writes her debut blog on a recent longitudinal controlled study exploring psychosocial singing interventions for the mental health and well-being of family carers of patients with cancer.

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Oral Lichen Planus: Is treatment with corticosteroids safe and effective?


This Cochrane review of the efficacy and safety of corticosteroids for the treatment of people with oral lichen planus(OLP) included 35 RCTs suggesting that they may be more effective than placebo for reducing the pain of symptomatic OLP but the reliability of the finding is low.

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Carers’ experiences of involuntary admission under mental health legislation


Juliana Onwumere summarises a recent qualitative review that explores carers’ experiences of involuntary admission of family members or loved ones to mental health inpatient units.

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Mental disorders and intimate partner violence perpetrated by men towards women


Anna Sri explores a recent longitudinal study exploring the links between mental disorders and intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetrated by men towards women, which finds that many psychiatric diagnoses were associated with an increased risk of IPV.

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Local anaesthetic for dental treatment: interventions to improve acceptance in children


Twenty six RCTs were included in this Cochrane systematic review of methods for the acceptance of local anaesthesia (LA) in children and adolescents during dental treatment. However the trials did not provide sufficient evidence to draw firm conclusions as to the best interventions

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