Covid-19: Asymptomatic/presymptomatic and the next patient?


Mark-Steven Howe takes a close look at a new systematic review estimating the extent of true asymptomatic individuals and the associated risk of community spread.

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Targeted school-based interventions for adolescents with depression and anxiety


Rachel Symons summarises a practitioner review looking at the effectiveness of indicated school‐based interventions for adolescents, which finds a positive impact on both depression and anxiety, but little evidence of long-term benefit.

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Face shield studies and droplet contamination

Face shield

In another of his Covid-19 related blogs Mark-Steven Howe looks at the effectiveness of face shields for preventing droplet contamination.

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#EmergingMinds webinars: supporting children and young people through the COVID-19 pandemic

Screenshot 2020-05-30 at 12.32.10

André Tomlin presents the recent series of #EmergingMinds webinars on how we can best support the mental health of children and young people during the coronavirus pandemic. These free online events brought together experts in the field to answer the questions of parents, carers, practitioners and educators.

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Moving on up: how much do we need mental health supported accommodation?


Will Marsh summarises a recent cohort study published this week in the British Journal of Psychiatry, which investigates the predictors of moving on from mental health supported accommodation in England.

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Oral Proliferative Verrucous Leukoplakia: What are the clinical features?

Leukoplakia , Verrucous

Marianne Dobson in her first blog for the Dental Elf takes a look at a systematic review looking at the main clinical features of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia

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First episode psychosis in prison: is our screening effective?


Danny Whiting explores the issue of screening for first episode psychosis in prison using a retrospective cohort study from Australia.

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Third molars: Remove or retain asymptomatic disease-free impacted teeth?


This Cochrane review of the effects of removal compared with retention (conservative management) of asymptomatic disease-free impacted wisdom teeth updates the 2016 version. No new studies were identified so the conclusions are unchanged.

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The tyranny of average and guideline development for PPE

The reviewers identified researchers found it difficult to control for variation

In this opinion piece Mark-Steven Howe considered the challenges of basing decisions on of average values for decision making when infection is not evenly distributed either geographically nor demographically

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Free-standing clean air systems – are they effective in dental practice?


In this blog Mark-Steven Howe looks at what evidence is available regarding the use of free-standing clean air systems in dental practice. There was little direct evidence of the benefits of free-standing clean air systems in dental practice.

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