Third molars: Which surgical technique for removal?


This Cochrane review upate compares the relative benefits and risks of different techniques for surgical removal of mandibular wisdom teeth. While the review includes 25 new trials the quality of the studies was variable with many having biases that could have influenced the findings so no meaningful conclusions could be drawn.

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Passive sedentary behaviours increase the risk of depression in adults


Susie Rudge highlights a recent paper in the British Journal of Psychiatry which suggests that people with depression should be encouraged to replace passive sedentary behaviours with mentally active ones for the best possible chance of symptom improvement.

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Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (PAPR) use for prevention of highly infectious viral disease in healthcare workers


Mark-Steven Howe takes a look at a preprint of a systematic review that evaluates the effect of Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPRs)for respiratory protection compared with N95/FFP2 masks on HCW infection rates and contamination.

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Language matters: how should we talk about suicide?

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In her debut blog, Charlotte Huggett summarises a recent online survey which explored views on the language we should use to discuss suicide. The study concludes that the most acceptable phrases are currently: “attempted suicide”, “took their own life”, “died by suicide” and “ended their life”.

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Aerosol generating procedures (AGPs) and their mitigation in international guidelines: Fallow time


Mark-Steven Howe takes a look at the fallow times reported in the recently published rapid review of international guidelines, the precautionary principle and the Independent Action Hypothesis (IAH).

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Psychosocial assessment, self-harm repetition and the role of the assessor


Katherine Chartes reviews a cohort study comparing risk of repeat self-harm after psychosocial assessment, which suggests that psychosocial assessments can reduce re-attendance by 30% within a 12-month timeframe.

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Root resorption: incidence after different types of traumatic dental injury


This review of assess the incidence of different types of root resorption after concussion, subluxation, lateral luxation, intrusive luxation, and extrusive luxation included 14 observational studies. Findings suggest that resorption is most common following intrusive luxation.

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A care home innovation programme to reduce hospital admissions through COVID-19 lens


Liz Sampson reviews a recent 4-year evaluation of the Care Home Innovation Programme (CHIP) aiming to reduce hospital admissions in older care home residents.

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Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 screening: Could it accidentally cause local lockdowns?


Mark-Steven Howe takes a look coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 screening and the implications of false positive tests in this blog

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CBT for health anxiety: should it be delivered in person or online?


Francesca Bentivegna explores a timely RCT concluding that delivering internet-based (email) CBT for health anxiety is non-inferior to face to face CBT in the short-term. The study also concludes that iCBT is more cost-effective.

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