Suicide risk in young people who self-harm and visit emergency departments


Katerina Kavalidou reviews a prospective observational cohort study on mortality and suicide risk in young people after they present to hospital emergency departments following episodes of self-harm.

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Poverty causes mental illness and vice versa: how can we end this vicious cycle?


Andy Bell summarises a new international report that presents the causal links and mechanisms of action between poverty, anxiety and depression.

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How has the coronavirus pandemic influenced rates of depressive symptoms in pregnant women?


Lucy Purnell summarises a recent cross-sectional study from China, which explores perinatal depression in women during the 2019 coronavirus pandemic.

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Problematic smartphone use: what are the consequences for teens and their screens?


Lucinda Powell explores a recent systematic review and meta-analysis which finds that problematic smartphone use in young people is associated with poorer mental health.

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Universal interventions to prevent mental illness in medical students


Tayla McCloud summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of universal programmes for the prevention of suicidal ideation, behaviour and mental ill health in medical students.

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The struggle is real: involving patients and the public in doctoral research


Laura Hemming summarises a recent paper exploring how best to involve patients and the public in doctoral research, its impact and the resources needed.

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Occlusal reduction: Does it reduce post endodontic pain?


This review of the effect of occlusal reduction on post-operative pain following root canal treatment included 7 RCTs. While the findings suggest that occlusal reduction may reduce post endodontic pain the quality of the available evidence is very low so teh findings should be viewed cautiously.

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How do sexual assault services identify and treat mental health and substance misuse problems?


Anjuli Kaul explores a recent systematic review on the identification and treatment of mental health and substance misuse problems in sexual assault services.

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Avulsed teeth: Storage media used before replantation

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This review of the effectiveness of any technique available to laypeople for storing an avulsed tooth compared with storage in milk or saliva included 33 studies. Findings suggest that milk, Hank’s balanced salt solution, propolis, oral rehydration salts, rice water, and cling film extend periodontal ligament cell viability before replantation.

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