Enhanced CBT for eating disorders: new review suggests it’s no more effective than other treatments, but it may act faster


Georgie Parker summarises a recent systematic review which finds that enhanced CBT is an effective treatment for eating disorders, but no more effective than other treatments. However, some research suggests that CBT-E may act quicker and therefore be most cost effective than other treatments.

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Denture fabrication: Conventional or simplified approaches

shutterstock_28911784 False teeth

This review od conventional versus simplified verses conventional fabrication techniques for complete dentures included 19 RCTs. The findings suggest that there are no differences between the simple and conventional approaches in terms of patients satisfaction, masticatory efficiency and OHRQoL at least in the short term.

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Digital interventions for suicidal thinking: a tale of two reviews


In his debut blog, Wouter van Ballegooijen summarises two recent systematic reviews on digital interventions for suicidal thinking, which include more or less the same research, but come to quite different conclusions.

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Social media use and disordered eating: Australian study finds a link in young teenagers


Francesca Bentivegna reviews a recent Australian study which finds a significant association between social media use and disordered eating in young adolescents.

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Endodontic microsurgery


This review of the clinical and radiographic long-term outcome of endodontic microsurgery in teeth diagnosed with secondary apical periodontitis included 10 studies suggesting an overall success rate ranging from 69-93%.

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Transgender discrimination and stigma: links to anxiety and depression


Emily Day summarises a recent study exploring the effects that transgender discrimination and stigma can have on the mental health of trans people, and what strategies individuals use to cope.

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Allowing visitors back into nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic


Clarissa Giebel reviews a mixed-methods Dutch study and accompanying guidance, which recommends a safe way to allow visitors back into nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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PACT advance decision-making template: is another form really the answer?


Peter Bartlett considers the usefulness of the new PACT advance-decision making template, which is a fillable template for advance decision making in fluctuating mental health conditions – PACT (Preferences and Advance decisions for Crisis and Treatment).

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Loneliness and suicide: what’s the link and what role does depression play?


Marlee Bower discusses a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies, which suggests that loneliness can predict future suicidal ideation and/or behaviour.

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Suicide prevention gatekeeper training and its long-term efficacy #WSPD2020


In his debut blog for World Suicide Prevention Day 2020, Steven MacDonald-Hart summarises a systematic review that explores the long-term efficacy of suicide prevention gatekeeper training.

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