Chlorhexidine chip as adjunct to scaling and root planing in patients with chronic periodontitis


This review of sub-gingival chlorhexidine chips as an adjunct to scaling and root planing in patients with chronic periodontitis included 15 RCTs involving 620 patients in total. Findings suggest an additional improvement with adjunctive use of chlorhexidine chips.

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Dementia ward inpatients need better protection from COVID-19


Clarissa Giebel summarises a recent study on the prevalence, management, and outcomes of COVID-19 infections in older people and dementia patients on mental health wards.

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Bruxism: Are botulinum toxin injections effective in management?


The review of the use of botulinum toxin type A injections in the management of primary bruxism in adults included 10 studies. Only 6 of the included studies were RCTs and the studies were generally small are very hetrogeneous so additional well designed and conducted RCTs are needed.

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Learning to focus on smiles not frowns: challenging unhelpful attention and interpretation patterns #ActiveIngredientsMH


Jennifer Lau summarises a recent systematic review relating to her own Wellcome Trust funded research into promoting helpful attention and interpretation patterns to reduce anxiety and depression in young people.

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Coproducing qualitative mental health research with young people

While there has been more political and media attention to the situation of care homes, this paper suggests a commonality of experience in the frontline between care homes and home care staff.

Following her blog yesterday, Natalie Berry explores a related paper by the same authors, which reflects on co-producing a qualitative study with young people during the era of COVID-19.

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Botulinum toxin and idiopathic dentoalveolar pain

Botulinum toxin

This review of the use of botulinum toxin (BONT-A) for pain-relief in patients with persistent idiopathic dentoalveolar pain included just 3 small uncontrolled studies providing a very limited amounh of very low quality evidence.

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What do young people think about using technology to detect worsening mental health?


In her debut blog, Natalie Berry summarises a qualitative study which asks young people about their views on using technology to detect worsening mental health.

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Repetitive negative thinking: an important clinical target for the treatment of depression and anxiety? #ActiveIngredientsMH


Imogen Bell summarises a systematic review relating to her own Wellcome Trust funded research into repetitive negative thinking in anxiety and depression.

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Orthodontic treatment: Does it take longer in adult patients?

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This review comparing the duration of fixed orthodontic treatment between adults and adolescents included 11 studies the majority of which were retrospective. Meta-analyses indicated no statisticall or clinical differences in duration although the quality of the available evidence was low to very low.

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Stopping antidepressants: patient perspectives on barriers and facilitators


Timothy Nyugen and Dafni Katsampa summarise a qualitative review of patient perspectives on the barriers and facilitators to stopping antidepressants.

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