Coercion in psychiatry: do interventions to reduce coercive practice work?


John Baker reviews a recent umbrella review of randomised controlled trials on the efficacy of interventions to reduce coercion in mental health services.

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Aromatherapy and dental anxiety


This review of the efficacy of aromatherapy on dental anxiety included 17 studies (11 RCTs, 6 CCTs). The evidence suggets aromatherapy may reduce dental anxiety and has comparable effects on dental anxiety compared to music intervention but the evidence is limited and of low to very low certainty

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Boric acid as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal therapy?

gum disease, scale and polish

Non-surgical periodontal treatment is the mainstay of treatment for the management of periodontitis. A number of adjunctive treatments have been used to improve outcomes including, local and systematic antibiotics and photodynamic therapy.  It has been suggested that boric acid may be beneficial as boron compounds have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immune regulatory effects and beneficial effects [read the full story…]

Timebanking: from ideal to reality

Volunteering timebanking

There is increasing interest in co-production in public services and in social care. This blog reports on a PhD study of timebanks which are now seen as an example of co-production but have a long history in being promising indications of mutual aid and reciprocal support between members of local communities. Social care interest groups [read the full story…]

Vibration devices: Do they reduce pain linked to dental injections in children?

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This review evaluating the effect of vibration devices on paediatric dental injection pain reduction identified 6 RCTs. The findings suggest that the use of the DentalVibe was not effective but the evidence ws of low quality.

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Can psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy relieve existential crises in cancer patients?


Pascal Immanuel Michael reviews a randomised controlled trial examining long-term outcomes of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for existential distress in patients with cancer.

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Stopping smoking in acute mental health units: what works?


Zoe Stoneley reviews a Taiwanese study on nicotine replacement therapy and healthy lifestyle psychoeducation for smoking reduction in acute psychiatric inpatients.

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Articaine local anaesthesia and the risk of hyperaesthesia in third molar surgery


This review of the risk of hyperaesthesia with articaine compared with other local anaesthetics in lower alveolar nerve block for lower third molar removal included 13 studies.The findings suggest that the use of articaine does not increase the risk of hyperaesthesia.

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What can we do to support the mental health of frontline health and social care workers during the pandemic?


Nikki Nabavi reviews a mixed methods systematic review that looks at interventions to support frontline health and social care staff during and after a disease outbreak, epidemic or pandemic.

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Endodontic retreatment:Post-operative pain in single or multiple visits


This review assessing the postoperative pain after non- surgical endodontic retreatment in a one visit compared to multiple visits included 4 RCTs. The availabe evidence suggests little difference between teh two approaches.

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