Sarah Carr treats us to a bumper blog of EQUIP studies. Think: care planning, coproduction, service user involvement and training. She doesn’t blog for us very often these days, but when she does it’s a corker!
[read the full story...]Sarah Carr treats us to a bumper blog of EQUIP studies. Think: care planning, coproduction, service user involvement and training. She doesn’t blog for us very often these days, but when she does it’s a corker!
[read the full story...]Today we’re in London for the launch of the Zero Suicide Alliance: a new collaborative committed to suicide prevention in the UK and beyond. You can follow the discussion #BeyondTheRoom. We’ll be live tweeting and podcasting from 4pm.
Also, don’t miss the new FREE suicide prevention training which is accessible to all.
[read the full story...]Alison Turner blogs about a new telehealth toolkit from the NHS Commissioning Assembly, which provides a range of resources including checklists, case studies and links to the evidence base.
[read the full story...]This comprehensive resource has been written for all the organisations involved in delivering quality services, in particular commissioners and local authorities, who “are responsible for commissioning social care services for adults and children.” The document starts off by explaining what the NHS means by quality, looking at three dimensions, as defined by Lord Ara Darzi [read the full story…]
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is used in mainstream services and the evidence for its effectiveness is growing. For people with learning disabilities, there is a growing evidence base for in relation to psychological interventions more generally, although much of the much of the research on CBT has come from forensic secure units. CBT Randomised controlled [read the full story…]
Last year, we posted a guest blog by Pauline Heslop, a researcher at the Norah Fry Research Centre, who set out the alarming findings of a confidential enquiry into premature deaths of people with learning disabilities. The enquiry found that people with learning disabilities die significantly younger in England and Wales than people without learning [read the full story…]
The National Health Service is aiming to provide a patient-centred health service, and this involves all staff and all departments. NHS England has produced four “bite-size guides to patient and public participation”. The guides, in particular the first one, are aimed at clinical commissioning groups, to help them involve the public, especially patients and carers, [read the full story…]
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 came into force in England and Wales in 2007 to provide a legal framework for decision-making on behalf of people who cannot make decisions themselves. We have posted previously about the lack of practical knowledge of the working of the Act amongst learning disability community teams and pointed to articles [read the full story…]
This paper describes the development of a framework to help commissioners make effective decisions with regards to local resource allocation decisions. The aim is to reduce variation in prescribing patterns across England, also known as the ‘postcode lottery.’ While the framework was originally developed by the former National Prescribing Centre, which is now the Medicines [read the full story…]
Earlier this week, we posted about a study by Dr Tuffrey-Wijne and her colleagues which described the process of the development of guidelines to support decision making about disclosure or non-disclosure of bad news about life limiting illness to people with learning disabilities. That study was part of a broader programme of research that has [read the full story…]