Results: 185

For: survey

Digital Technology for Mental Health: asking the right questions #DigitalMHQ


Lucy Simons invites YOU to tell us what you think are the most important questions about using digital technology for mental health.

There are also some fab prizes up for grabs, so don’t miss out!

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Trauma and psychotic experiences: results from a transnational survey


Today Marcus Tan and William Lee publish their debut elf blog on a new paper in the British Journal of Psychiatry, which investigates the association between traumatic events and subsequent psychotic experiences.

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Has Time to Change made it time to talk?


Aileen O’Brien publishes her debut blog on a recent study that explored the relationship between anti-stigma programme awareness, disclosure comfort and intended help-seeking regarding a mental health problem.

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Cyberbullying: comparatively rare, not especially damaging or pernicious


Shirley Reynolds reports on a recent population-based cross-sectional study that surveyed 1 in 5 of all 15 year olds in England, to ask them about bullying, cyberbullying and adolescent well-being.

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Elves under the microscope: does elf promotion increase research uptake by health professionals?


Sarah Knowles reports on a survey and brief intervention study of the National Elf Service across the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, which sheds some light on how best to increase research uptake in mental health professionals.

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Right People, Right Questions: new survey on young people’s mental health #youngpeopleMHQ

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Today we are announcing a major new survey that will help prioritise research questions for young people’s mental health over the coming years. The Right People, Right Questions project is about looking for your unanswered questions on young people’s mental health that can be answered by research. We want to hear from 11-25 year olds with experience of mental health issues, their parents or carers, if you work with young people, or if you have another interest in the mental health of young people.

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The future of mental health care: time for a social perspective?


#UCLJournalClub students worked collaboratively on this blog, which summarises a recent personal view in The Lancet Psychiatry about possible scenarios for the future of mental health care.

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Digital technology for mental health: asking the right questions #DigitalMHQ

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Please take 10 mins to participate in this important mental health survey #DigitalMHQ. It’s your chance to suggest research ideas about digital technology for mental health.

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The state of personality disorder services in England #bigspd17


Keir Harding publishes his debut elf blog on a recent national survey of personality disorder services, which finds continued exclusion, variability of practice and inconsistencies in the availability of services across England.

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