Results: 185

For: survey

Physical activity participation in severe mental illness: one step closer? #ClosingTheGapSMI


Suzan Hassan writes her debut elf blog on a recent research paper that highlights the factors associated with regular physical activity participation among people with severe mental illness.

Today sees the launch of the new Closing The Gap Network in York. Follow #ClosingTheGapSMI on Twitter for live updates throughout the day.

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How many ways do they need to say it? Young autistic people need support for their mental health.

Autistic people with mental health needs are clear that they need specialised services and these can only be effective if people are properly trained in both mental health and autism.

Vaso Totsika’s blog considers a study by Crane and colleagues, which seeks to further our understanding of how young autistic people experience the world of service provision in relation to their mental health needs, and in particular at the time of transition from child to adult services.

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Whose Safety is it Anyway? Service user and carer involvement in mental health care safety #MHNR2018


Alison Faulkner takes a recent study as the starting point for an exploration of mental health care safety, service user and carer involvement, raising concerns, risk, harm, power, relationships and much more.

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Mental health crisis teams in England: lost in translation? #MHNR2018


Rachel Rowan Olive writes her debut elf blog about a recent national survey of mental health crisis resolution teams and crisis care systems in England.

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Top 10 research questions for digital mental health #DigitalMHQ


John Torous, Editor of the Journal of Medical Internet Research, considers the top 10 digital mental health research questions that are announced today by the NIHR Mindtech James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership on Digital Mental Health.

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The prevalence of digital self-harm among adolescents


Alexander Foster and Tatiana Salisbury publish their debut blog on a recent study of digital self-harm in adolescents. In case you’re wondering, digital self-harm is the anonymous online posting, sending or sharing of hurtful content about oneself.

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WHO cares? Treatment coverage for substance use disorders: results from 26 countries


Ian Hamilton reports on an analysis of data from the World Mental Health Surveys, which estimates treatment coverage for people with substance use disorders.

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What causes emotional blunting in people taking antidepressants? Results from a survey


Linda Gask looks at a recent survey of people with depression that explores their experiences of emotional blunting. The research finds that nearly half of depressed patients on antidepressants report significant emotional blunting, but it’s impossible to say whether this is caused by their medication or the depression itself.

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