Results: 185

For: survey

Each year more than one third of EU residents have a mental health disorder

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A group of researchers from Dresden in Germany have recently updated a review they originally published in 2005, which provides 12-month prevalence and disability burden estimates of a broad range of mental and neurological disorders in the European Union (EU). Their review included studies from all 27 EU member states plus Switzerland, Iceland and Norway [read the full story…]

Smoking, drinking and drug use among young people in England: many self-reported downward trends continue

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This report from the NHS Information Centre contains results from an annual survey of secondary school pupils in England in years 7 to 11 (mostly aged 11 to 15). 7,296 pupils in 246 schools completed questionnaires in the autumn term of 2010. The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) and the National Foundation for Educational Research [read the full story…]

Child sexual abuse may be important cause of schizophrenia

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Childhood sexual abuse is a strong predictor of schizophrenia in later life, a leading psychiatrist has told the International Congress of the Royal College of Psychiatrists 2011. It is a contributing cause of 17 per cent of cases of psychotic illness including schizophrenia, Professor Paul Bebbington, Head of the Department of Mental Health Sciences at [read the full story…]

Survey of teenage alcohol consumption: levels, patterns and influences

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The Joseph Rowntree Foundation have commissioned Ipsos MORI to conduct a survey which provides robust data on the levels and patterns of alcohol consumption and influences on drinking behaviour in 13-16 year olds.  The survey involved 5,700 teenagers from schools in England and data was statistically modelled using binary logistic regression to highlight the strongest influences [read the full story…]

Attitudes to mental illness survey shows some improvement but more work needed

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The NHS Information Centre has published a report that presents the findings of a survey of attitudes towards mental illness among adults in England undertaken in 2011. The questionnaire included a number of statements about mental illness. Respondents were asked to indicate how much they agreed or disagreed with each statement. Other questions covered a [read the full story…]