Results: 185

For: survey

People with severe mental illness are more likely to be victims of violent and non-violent crime


Vishal Bhavsar summarises a recent cross-sectional study of violent and non-violent crime against adults with severe mental illness, which finds that service users were five times more likely to be victims of assault, and three times more likely to be victims of household acquisitive crime.

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Social workers' caregiver identity and distress


Jo Moriarty examines a study on social worker caregiver identity and distress and discovers some useful findings about the nature of stress in social work, with helpful practice messages for team managers.

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Cartilage failures. Systematic literature review, critical survey analysis, and definition


Lesley Dawson highlights a recent study that analysed how failures are defined in cartilage surgery and how survival rates may change according to different definitions.

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People with learning disabilities not getting free flu jabs at GP surgeries according to Mencap survey


This year, for the first time, people with learning disabilities were identified as a clinical risk group in the guidance for flu vaccinations, but a telephone survey carried out by Mencap suggested that many GP surgeries were not offering this free jab.

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Mental health support for older adults needs to improve

Previous research shows that low education, hypertension, smoking and diabetes may all have causal associations with dementia.

Dave Steele summarises an NIHR funded mixed methods study that concludes we don’t know much about how we should support older adults with mental health problems, except to say that we should be doing better.

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Adult social care personal budgets: the complexity of control


In our second blog exploring research on personal budgets, Mike Clark dissects the biggest national survey of social care personal budget users and finds that a seemingly simple policy idea is complex in its operation and discovers some ideas about organising this complexity to meet individual needs and improve outcomes.

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Shirkers and scroungers: Is there a link between mental health discrimination and welfare reform?


In her first Social Care Elf blog, Sarah Carr looks at an evaluation of the Time to Change anti-stigma campaign and discovers some new findings on discrimination against those living with mental health problems.

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Cyberbullying and mental health in young people


Elly O’Brien summarises a recent US survey of adolescents, which investigates the relationship between cyberbullying, mental health and substance use problems, and the moderating role of family dinners.

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Survey of abuse of people with learning disabilities challenges view that women are not perpetrators and suggests known abuse is tip of iceberg


Today, we feature the debut blog of Professor Ruth Northway, who reflects on the implications of a paper which retrospective study looking at levels and types of abuse disclosed by people with learning disabilities referred to a psychology service.

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