Part of a broader programme of work looking at the contribution of learning disabilities nursing, the UK Modernising Learning Disabilities Nursing Review was commissioned and led by the Chief Nursing Officer for Scotland on behalf of the chief nursing officers across the UK to consider the current and future contribution of learning disabilities nursing to supporting people with learning disabilities.
The review points out that work on demographic changes suggest a significant rise in the numbers of people with learning disabilities, which suggests a need for the nursing workforce to adapt and change to meet new challenges.
The review report sets out to explore how people with learning disabilities of all ages can have appropriate access to expert learning disabilities nurses and to ensure that nursing skills are best used throughout the health and social care system.
The report makes seventeen recommendations, identifying for each the need for action for the UK as a whole, at the level of the individual constituent country, at the service level, education level, action for commissioners or action for individual practitioners. Each of the four UK countries will consider how the recommendations from the review will be implemented, and will participate within a UK-wide Steering Group which is to be set up to support the programme of work.
You can download the full report here Strengthening The Commitment: The Report of the UK Modernising Learning Disabilities Nursing Review