Results: 184

For: report

Is mental malaise the psychological equivalent of obesity?


Stan Kutcher reflects on a recently published briefing paper entitled: mental ill-health among children of the new century, which concluded that one in four 14 year old girls had self-reported “high symptoms of depression”.

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Guided or misguided? New advice on young people and drugs (SBIRT)


Ian Hamilton considers a recent report from the American Academy of Paediatrics Committee on Substance Use and Prevention, which focuses on SBIRT (Substance Use Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment)

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Navigating the obstacles to health and care integration

assault course

Alison Turner summarises a new learning report from the Southwark and Lambeth Integrated Care (SLIC) programme, which aimed to overcome barriers to health and care integration. The report offers actionable insights that are informed by empirical evidence and experiential learning.

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Exploring the mental health charity sector evidence system


A guest post from Caroline Fiennes, Director of Giving Evidence, who has today published a new report that explores in the ways in which UK mental health charities use evidence in the development of their services.

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Nicotine without smoke: new RCP report on e-cigarettes and tobacco harm reduction


Debutant blogger and vaping activist Lorien Jollye presents a new tobacco harm reduction report from the Tobacco Advisory Group of the Royal College of Physicians.

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Bringing together physical and mental health: King’s Fund report on integrated care


Kirsten Lawson takes us through the key messages from the recent King’s Fund report on bringing together physical and mental health.

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