Results: 184

For: report

Improvements needed in training, joint working and liaison arrangements with criminal justice system for people with learning disabilities says report

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Background As far back as 1992, the Reed Report into the care of mentally disordered offenders identified the need for close working between the Police, Health and Social Services and set out some clear principles for offenders with learning disabilities which called for a individually tailored approach with care and treatment provided in the community, [read the full story…]

Suicide in primary care: findings of the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by People with Mental Illness


The National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by People with Mental Illness was established in its current form at Manchester University in 1996. From 1991, prior to the move to Manchester, research in this area had been managed within the Royal College of Psychiatrists.  The NCISH has established an outstanding national and international reputation [read the full story…]

Guide for CCGs on Personal Health Budgets for people with learning disabilities

personal health budgets

Background Personal Health budgets were introduced to enable people with long term conditions and disabilities to have greater choice, flexibility and control over the health care and support they receive. This month (April 2014), people who are eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare (NHS CHC) will have the right to ask for a personal health budget. [read the full story…]

New charter for social care organisations to tackle health inequalities for people with learning disabilities


Last year, we posted a guest blog by Pauline Heslop, a researcher at the Norah Fry Research Centre, who set out the alarming findings of a confidential enquiry into premature deaths of people with learning disabilities. The enquiry found that people with learning disabilities die significantly younger in England and Wales than people without learning [read the full story…]

Stigma of mental illness is (still) a barrier to care and help-seeking


Imagine the following scenario: you have been feeling really down for quite a while and think the time has come to get some help. You book an appointment with your doctor and tell her how you’re feeling. She doesn’t make eye contact, she thrusts a leaflet and a prescription at you and tells you to [read the full story…]

“Care needs to be just as important as treatment” says report

Pathway through a forest

This practical guidance has been written to help commissioners, service providers, nurses, medical, and allied health professionals, understand the difference care and compassion can make to the service experience of frail older people, and also to the financial situation of health and social care organisations. The guide covers the following themes: Reducing healthcare-related harm Care [read the full story…]

Improve local community mental health services using this framework

Shape of a head filled with cogs

This work, developed by accountancy firm Mazars LLP, has been commissioned by NHS Confederation and Strategic Health Authority Mental Health Leads. It is a diagnostic tool aimed at mental health commissioners working for clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), helping them to identify where the gaps are in their local service provision and what they need to [read the full story…]

Primary care must change to meet needs of population, says report

Hand holding a glowing lightbulb

The King’s Fund has just published this report, which describes how the health and social care workforce are coming up with new models for delivering primary care, to support the “current system of commissioning”. The report is aimed at commissioners, GP staff, and related stakeholders, including social care and local authorities, and promotes improved liaison [read the full story…]

Needs of people with learning disabilities in criminal justice system not being met

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Background We know that people with learning disabilities in the criminal justice system can be especially vulnerable, and the recent Bradley report highlighted a number of approaches that could be taken to prevent this vulnerable group being caught in the revolving door of the criminal justice system. It is unclear however how many people with [read the full story…]

Combination of clinical and managerial expertise transform local healthcare, case studies demonstrate

Three trees, shaped as heads, during different seasons

This collection of case studies is aimed at all people involved in the development and delivery of quality health services, in particular, commissioners, local authorities, voluntary sectors, and health professionals in all settings, including primary and secondary care. Some of the CCGs are also working with organisations from the retail sector, for example John Lewis. [read the full story…]