Results: 184

For: report

Mental health has led the move away from hospital care to home based treatment says guide

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This guide is an excellent example of developing resources to help learn from good practice. It has been written for all commissioners and providers, but in particular clinical commissioners, and mental health commissioners and practitioners. Primary care mental health The first section of the guide gives a comprehensive overview of the state of primary care [read the full story…]

Bradley report commission identifies solid progress, but still work to be done


Five years ago, Lord Bradley published his report looking at the situation of people with mental health problems and people with learning disabilities in the criminal justice system. The Bradley report made a number of recommendations and this summer sees the publication of a progress report on these recommendations. The Bradley commission, established as an [read the full story…]

Improving access to primary care risks fuelling demand unless a system-wide view taken, says Nuffield Trust


This new report, based on a workshop in March 2014, sets out to inform the development of 20 pilots (in England) of the Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund, to improve access to primary care.   The report focuses on the debate around unintended consequences of extending (e.g. longer opening hours) or broadening (e.g. phone or online consultations) access – will [read the full story…]

Positive mental health for people with learning disabilities is aim of new report


There is evidence that the people with learning disabilities have a higher prevalence of mental health issues than those in the general population. The rate of dementia is higher and people with Down syndrome are at particularly high risk of developing dementia, with a much earlier age of onset. The most recent guide for commissioners [read the full story…]

Commissioning for health improvement can help tackle health inequalities, says report

Public health 1

This new guide from the Royal Society for Public Health is most relevant to commissioners, providers, local authorities, people working in health improvement and public health practitioners. Take a look and see which areas will be most useful to you in terms of reducing health inequalities and improving health and wellbeing in your area.

[read the full story...]

CQC and CBF publish ‘Three Lives’ Report with commitments to action


A short while ago, the Learning Disabilities Elf made a small contribution to the Justice for LB campaign by trying to draw attention once again to the evidence base. Wednesday (day 91) saw the publication of a key report from the Care Quality Commission and Challenging Behaviour Foundation, which tells the stories of three young [read the full story…]

BMA sets out actions for ‘parity of esteem’ in learning disability health outcomes


During her presidency of the BMA, Professor Sheila Hollins has hosted a number of seminars on issues faced by vulnerable groups in the NHS, one of which looked at the issues facing people with learning disabilities. This report by the BMA Board of Science aims to move towards ‘parity of esteem’, a term which is [read the full story…]

Reasonable adjustments in primary care for people with learning disabilities

Good health care is dependent on cooperation between health care professionals and support workers in order to maximise care, health and functioning for people with learning disabilities

UK law requires public services to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people following the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) and the Equality Act (2010), which does not cover Northern Ireland. For people with physical disabilities these have predominantly focused on the environment, whilst for people with a learning disabilities it requires more commonly clear explanations and [read the full story…]

The mental health of migrant mothers: focus needed on attitudes to mental health, not language barriers


The impact of ethnicity on treatment and engagement with mental health services is well documented. John Baker’s recent Mental Elf post highlights the damning evidence behind murmurs of institutional racism within the NHS that just won’t go away: certain ethnic groups consistently experience lower quality care and poor outcomes across a wide range of health [read the full story…]

A strong business case exists for investing in early and community-based interventions for mental health, says report

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This report provides everything that is needed for people working in mental health services to make a business case for investing in early and community-based interventions. This includes, commissioners, practitioners, local authorities, policy-makers, providers, and social care. As part of this document, the authors have provided the evidence for the cost-effectiveness of a range of [read the full story…]