Smoking during pregnancy is thought to cause approximately 25,000 miscarriages per year in the United Kingdom (Health and Social Care Information Centre, 2010).
Additionally, smoking while pregnant is attributable to 4-7% of stillbirths (Flenady et al., 2011), and 3-5% of infant deaths (Gray et al., 2009) with these rates even higher in deprived areas, where remaining a smoker during pregnancy is more common (Gray et al., 2009).
In 2009, 24% of women attending antenatal appointments in Scotland were smokers (NHS, 2009). However only 1 in 10 reported using cessation services, and 3% were abstaining by four weeks (Tappin et al., 2010).
A recent Cochrane systematic review suggested financial incentives may be beneficial in helping pregnant women stop smoking, although it concluded that further evidence was needed (Chamberlain et al., 2013). Tappin et al (2015) investigated the effectiveness of shopping vouchers in addition to NHS Stop Smoking Services to aid quit attempts in pregnant women.

Nearly 1 in 4 women attending antenatal appointments in Scotland were smokers (NHS, 2009).
The authors conducted a randomised controlled trial of 609 pregnant smokers recruited from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Women were randomly allocated to routine smoking cessation care (control group) or to routine care and up to £400 in shopping vouchers if they engaged with services and successfully quit smoking (incentives group).
Routine care
Routine specialist pregnancy care involved an initial meeting to discuss quitting smoking and set a quit date. This was followed by 4 weekly telephone calls, and free nicotine replacement therapy for 10 weeks.
Incentives group
The incentives group received £50 in shopping vouchers for attending the initial meeting to set a quit date. If participants were smoke-free 4 weeks later, they would receive another £50 voucher, and if smoke-free at 12 weeks, participants received £100 in gift vouchers. Between 34-38 weeks gestation, women were once again asked smoking status, and those who had quit received a final £200 voucher. In all instances, smoking status was verified by a carbon monoxide breath test.

Women who successfully quit smoking in this study received up to £400 in shopping vouchers.
- More women successfully quit smoking in the incentives group (22.5%) than the routine care group (8.6%).
- There was a higher quit rate at 4 weeks in the incentives group compared to the routine care group.
- 12 months after quit date, there was still large difference in self-reported quit rates (15% incentives, 4% control).
- Women lost to follow-up were assumed to be smokers, which was validated by analysing residual routine blood samples for cotinine.

22.5% of the women who were given financial incentives quit smoking in comparison to 8.6% of the control group.
This study demonstrated that financial incentives with routine care could be beneficial in motivating quit attempts in pregnant smokers, as well as aiding them in continuing to abstain up to 12 months after their quit date. Furthermore, the quit rates reported in this trial were larger than many pharmaceutical (Coleman et al., 2012) or behavioural (Chamberlain et al., 2013) intervention trials in pregnant women. Although, it should be noted that women in the control group had higher nicotine addiction scores than those in the incentives group.
While the evidence from this study suggests using financial incentives may be beneficial in helping pregnant smokers to stop, there may be practical and ethical issues in implementing this as an intervention.
Additionally, other studies are needed to determine the generalizability and possible cost effectiveness of this intervention, as well as what cessation services are best suited to pair with financial incentives. However, it will be interesting to see how this study may be used to inform future policy.

Is it ethical to pay pregnant women to stop smoking?
Tappin D, Bauld L, Purves D, Boyd K, Sinclair L, MacAskill S et al. Financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy: randomised controlled trial (pdf). BMJ 2015; 350:h134
Health and Social Care Information Centre, Infant feeding survey 2010 (pdf). HSCIC, 2012. www.hscic.gov.uk/pubs/ifs2005.
Flenady V, Koopmans L, Middleton P, Frøen JF, Smith GC, Gibbons K, et al. Major risk factors for stillbirth in high-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet 2011;377:1331-40. [Abstract]
Gray R, Bonellie SR, Chalmers J, Greer I, Jarvis S, Kurinczuk J, et al. Contribution of smoking during pregnancy to inequalities in stillbirth and infant death in Scotland 1994-2003: retrospective population based study using hospital maternity records. BMJ 2009;339:b3754.
Information Services Division, NHS National Services Scotland. Births and babies: smoking and pregnancy, 2009. www.isdscotland.org/isd/2911.html.
Tappin DM, MacAskill S, Bauld L, Eadie D, Shipton D, Galbraith L. Smoking prevalence and smoking cessation services for pregnant women in Scotland. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 2010;5:1.
Coleman T, Chamberlain C, Davey MA, Cooper SE, Leonardi-Bee J. Pharmacological interventions for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012;9:CD010078. [Abstract]
Chamberlain C, O’Mara-Eves A, Oliver S, Caird JR, Perlen SM, Eades SJ, et al. Psychosocial interventions for supporting women to stop smoking in pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2013;10:CD001055
“@Mental_Elf: Financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy http://t.co/95IBTx5sWi“
Financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy: Meg Fluharty highlights a recent study suggesting tha… http://t.co/XorREvI2vg
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Bethan Davies liked this on Facebook.
@JaimeCarter3 Thought this might interest you RT @Mental_Elf Financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy http://t.co/i060J346tb
Ethical issues aside – this appears to work HT“@Mental_Elf: Financial incentives for #smokingcessation in pregnancy http://t.co/46pVKt7MMq”
Today @MegEliz_ asks: Is it ethical to pay pregnant women to stop smoking? http://t.co/V5VXcoT9XC
@Mental_Elf @MegEliz_ is it ethical not to pay pregnant women to give up smoking if we know it works?
Raluca Lucacel liked this on Facebook.
I have no sympathy whatsoever with the view that paying pregnant women to stop smoking is ethically wrong. If financial incentives provide mother and child with health benefits — in an affordable way — it is unethical not to provide them.
When I have heard people speak about this issue, their concerns often boil down to efficiency arguments rather than ethical ones. Some people — and I do not presume this to be the most commonly held view — think that people would be able to game the system. Or that there might be some sort of ‘slippery slope’ effect, whereby we start paying people to be healthy in all sorts of other ways. This is not an ethical argument (or at least, the ethical slant is secondary). If these things were to happen then the incentives would cease to be cost-effective and we could stop providing them.
If incentives are to be more widely provided then — as Meg points out — a full cost-effectiveness analysis will be necessary. Furthermore, it will be necessary to monitor the state of the evidence. It is quite likely that the effect size would decline over time as more women who might’ve given up anyway go on to receive financial incentives. Furthermore, people’s behaviour will inevitably change over time. The cost of this monitoring and research should be built into any cost-effectiveness analysis of the programme.
But anyway, I haven’t yet heard a coherent ethical argument against such incentives that holds greater or even comparable weight to the ethical imperative to improve the health and well-being of mothers and children.
The Mental Elf liked this on Facebook.
Hi @LindaBauld We’ve blogged about your @BMJ_latest RCT on financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy http://t.co/V5VXcoT9XC
Financial incentives for #smoking cessation in pregnancy http://t.co/7j1D3CdQqi
Many thanks for this thoughtful blog on our study – much appreciated. Linda Bauld
I blogged for @Mental_Elf on a recent RCT using financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy: http://t.co/9WPv0dJ5UV
New @BMJ_latest RCT supports the use of financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy http://t.co/V5VXcoT9XC
http://t.co/QPjBSoxQBV… http://t.co/KXxSukPgNv
New RCT finds that Shopping Vouchers & NHS Stop Smoking Services can help pregnant women quit smoking http://t.co/V5VXcoT9XC
Mental Elf: Financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy http://t.co/LJGEp96fej
Don’t miss: Financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy http://t.co/V5VXcoT9XC #EBP
“Financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy” http://t.co/BQprV7yNYq
Financial incentives can help smoking cessation in pregnancy. Idea to study 4 those experiencing SMI? http://t.co/tIC4BZXiS5 via @sharethis