In his debut blog, Richard Byng summarises a study which finds that protocolising psychological therapy could be detrimental for telemental health.
[read the full story...]Results: 468
For: qualitative‘Mixed Emotions’: unpacking the emotional labour of service user involvement in mental health research
In her debut blog, Siobhan D’Almeida summarises a qualitative exploration of the emotional labour of service user involvement in mental health research.
[read the full story...]Vicarious trauma: how does working with trauma survivors affect therapists?
Sahra Tekin and Jo Billings summarise a meta-ethnographic review of qualitative studies looking at vicarious trauma in therapists working with survivors of trauma.
[read the full story...]The experiences of young LGBTQ+ people self-managing their mental health
Natalie Kashirsky critiques a recent qualitative study which looks at LGBTQ+ young people’s experiences and perceptions of self-managing their mental health.
[read the full story...]Trauma-informed care in mental health: why we need it and what it should look like
Aneta Zarska blogs about a qualitative research study from Australia that outlines what trauma-informed care should look like, by asking people with experience of mental health difficulties.
[read the full story...]Why don’t people receive a psychosocial assessment in emergency departments after self-harm?
Amelia Talbot looks at a recent qualitative study of patient and carer perspectives, which explores the reasons why some patients do not receive a psychosocial assessment in emergency departments following self-harm.
[read the full story...]“It’s like putting a penguin on the floor”: what can the perspectives of youth with autism teach us about social inclusion? #ActiveIngredientsMH
Xanthe Hunt and Jason Bantjes consider the perspectives of autistic young people affected by social exclusion, and present early findings from their new active ingredients review which looks at the role of social inclusion interventions in improving adolescent mental health.
[read the full story...]Supporting the supporters: peer support in early intervention in psychosis
In her debut blog, Natalie Kashirsky explores a qualitative study finding valuable mechanisms of peer support in early intervention in psychosis services.
[read the full story...]Whiteness in clinical psychology: how do white female psychologists perceive whiteness?
Humma Andleeb reviews a qualitative paper on deconstructing Whiteness in Clinical Psychology and how White female clinical psychologists perceive whiteness in the profession.
[read the full story...]Ethnicity and power: how can we make mental healthcare equitable for all people with psychosis?
Andie Ashdown and Theophanis Kyriacou consider the findings of a recent qualitative study which looks at the differences experienced by Black Caribbean and White British people trying to access care for psychosis.
[read the full story...]