Results: 470

For: qualitative

Exploring the experiences of loneliness in people with mental health difficulties


In her debut blog, Nuria Gardia explores a qualitative study on loneliness experiences among people with mental health difficulties in the UK, which finds that mental health problems can lead to people feeling lonely, and feeling lonely can lead to poorer mental health.

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What are the benefits of including young people in mental health research? Findings from interviews conducted by co-researchers


In her debut blog, Melanie Luximon writes with Nina Higson-Sweeney to summarise a recent qualitative study exploring the benefits of involving young people in mental health research.

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Young people’s experiences of suicidal distress in their own words


India Bellairs-Walsh summarise a Scottish qualitative study of young people’s lived experiences of suicide and self-harm, which explores intention, rationality and authenticity, and has many implications for practice.

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Integrating smoking cessation treatment into routine care for people with mental illness: how will the NHS cope?


Amelia Talbot summarises a qualitative study on people’s views of integrating smoking cessation treatment into routine care for people with mental illness.

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Psychosis and loneliness: overcoming the practical, social and emotional barriers to better relationships


Hosana Tagomori and Dafni Katsampa review a qualitative study exploring the experience of loneliness among people diagnosed with psychosis.

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Online psychodrama for dementia: “Zooming” our way towards improvement?


KCL Masters student Azza Elsheikh summarises a recent qualitative study exploring the experiences of online psychodrama for people with dementia.

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Mental health services for sexual minorities: experiences of discrimination, barriers to services and priorities for improvement


In her latest blog, Siobhan D’Almeida appraises a qualitative study exploring the experiences of sexual minorities when accessing mental health services, with a specific focus on the impact to the therapeutic relationship.

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Care or punishment? Black service users’ experiences of inpatient mental health care under detention


Ian Cummins summarises findings from a recent qualitative study by Solanki et al. (2023), which explores the experiences of individuals from Black Ethnic backgrounds detained under the Mental Health Act (1983).

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The problematic politics of LGBT+ suicide prevention in the UK


Sarah Carr considers an analysis of the UK parliamentary debates and national policies on LGBT+ suicide representation in political and policy spheres.

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“Like being a pretender”: A meta-synthesis of experiences of loneliness in perinatal depression


In her debut blog, Francesca Kingston explores experiences of loneliness among women with perinatal depression, reported in a new meta-synthesis published in BMC Psychiatry.

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