Results: 468

For: qualitative

Gender identity and eating disorders: clinician’s perceptions of care for transgender and gender diverse patients


Sophie Archer’s debut blog summarises a qualitative study exploring healthcare provider perspectives on barriers and facilitators to transgender and gender diverse patients accessing and receiving support for eating disorders.

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Menopause in the workplace revisited: A feminist perspective and a visit to the Employment Tribunal (ET)

If you go down to the woods today, you’ll find us discussing the last of our World Menopause Day 2023 papers

For the last in our World Menopause Day 2023 series, we are combining a paper and some recent case law, to think about some of the things that have been discussed this week through these blog posts.

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How do unaccompanied children cope with the experience of forced migration?


Sophie Large explores an qualitative research study that looks into young refugees experiences of coping after experiencing unaccompanied forced migration.

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Is it possible to form a digital therapeutic alliance with a mental health app?


Jenna Jacob summarises a qualitative study exploring the conceptualisation of the digital therapeutic alliance in the context of mental health apps that require no human support.

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Clinicians perspectives on gaps in service provision for people with complex emotional needs


A group of UCL MSc students review a qualitative study on clinicians’ views and community care for people with complex emotional needs, and how best practice can be achieved.

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What emotions do male prisoners experience prior to suicide and violence?


In this blog by Hilary Norman, she explores a new study on the emotions that male prisoners experience prior to suicide, self-harm or violence using a novel participatory visual method involving drawing their feelings.

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Every Mind Matters: evaluating the mental health literacy campaign


In her debut blog, Amy Morgan summarises a qualitative study evaluating the government-funded Every Mind Matters campaign in the UK.

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“I’m always going to be tired”: fatigue in adolescent depression


Georgia Kemp reflects on a recent qualitative paper that looks at adolescents’ personal accounts of fatigue as a symptom in depression.

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Exploring the experiences of loneliness in people with mental health difficulties


In her debut blog, Nuria Gardia explores a qualitative study on loneliness experiences among people with mental health difficulties in the UK, which finds that mental health problems can lead to people feeling lonely, and feeling lonely can lead to poorer mental health.

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What are the benefits of including young people in mental health research? Findings from interviews conducted by co-researchers


In her debut blog, Melanie Luximon writes with Nina Higson-Sweeney to summarise a recent qualitative study exploring the benefits of involving young people in mental health research.

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