Results: 468

For: qualitative

Policy impacts on home care services for older people


Mike Clark provides a timely commentary on research into the impact of personalisation on home care services for older people and finds inherent tensions between choice, competition and the desire for improving the relational aspects of direct care.

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Health surveillance, prevention and protection activities for people with learning disabilities could be increased

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Health inequalities experienced by people with learning disabilities are well documented in the literature.

Here, in her debut blog, Sarah Richardson looks at the results of a survey of community learning disability nurses regarding their role in implementing public health policies, focusing on health prevention and protection.

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Marginalised students’ views of social work education


Jo Moriatry examines a qualitative study about the experience of social work students who are black and minority ethnic; lesbian, gay or bisexual; or disabled and find that social work education has still some way to go in being inclusive.

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Preventative healthcare – understanding uptake and barriers for people with learning disabilities

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We know that people with learning disabilities experience poor health and unequal access to healthcare but what about access to preventative healthcare measures?

Here, in her debut blog, Angela Henderson looks at a Canadian study, which looked at matched groups of people with and without learning disabilities to look at rates of uptake of regular health checks and participation in cancer screening as indicators of preventative healthcare.

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What do serious case reviews say about self-neglect?


Jill Manthorpe examines an analysis of serious case reviews where self-neglect was a factor and discusses what this means for adult safeguarding practice, particularly in the context of the Care Act.

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Challenging behaviour in profound & multiple learning disabilities: is support well planned and documented?


The lives of some people with profound and multiple learning disabilities are affected by challenging behaviours, which include self-injurious, stereotypical, destructive, or aggressive behaviours.

Here in his debut blog, Paul Barnard looks at a study from the Netherlands which looked at whether challenging behaviour was being addressed formally in day to day practice.

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Community development, networking and neighbourhood change


Jenny Fisher takes on an Australian study about community development and how umbrella bodies work for networking between organisations and neighbourhoods. She considers the implications of the findings for the UK refers to some other helpful research on the topic.

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Measuring the mediators: initiating, maintaining and interrupting interactions. How do support workers support social inclusion?


Being engaged in our community at a level, with which we feel comfortable, could be a measure of the quality of our lives. But how do workers who support people with learning disabilities help them in ways, which can achieve this? What helps and what gets in the way?

Here, in her debut blog, Paula Hopes looks at a naturalistic observation study that looked at this issue in more detail.

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Can variations be used to spot disinvestment opportunities?

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Alison Turner reports on a recent study that explores a method for spotting opportunities for disinvestment and local perceptions of how disinvestment works in practice.

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Safe and social – helping learning disabled people improve skills and understanding

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Some people with learning disabilities may find it difficult to learn social rules and behaviours, which can impact on involvement and engagement in their commnunities.

In her debut blog, Mandy Johnson looks at a project in the Republic of Ireland which set out to help people consider the desirability of a range of social behaviours and the complexities of social context.

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