Results: 468

For: qualitative

How do older community rehabilitation service users view disability?


Hannah Morgan discusses research looking at how the various people using community rehabilitation services view disability and service use and reflects on how disability studies needs to contribute to health and social care education.

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Living positively with dementia: findings from a qualitative systematic review


Clarissa Giebel finds a lot to discuss in a recent qualitative systematic review about living positively with dementia.

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Differences in staff attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities in Japan and the United States


Support staff can play a key role for some people with learning disabilities in connecting people with their communities – so how much do staff attitudes impact on this and are there differences in attitudes between countries?

Here Fawn Harrad looks at a study which compared attitudes of staff in Japan and the U.S.

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Inter-professional working between general practice and social care


Tanya Moore discusses a small study on inter-professional working between social care and general practice and finds evidence of misunderstanding.

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The moral and emotional labour of care workers in residential homes


Jill Manthorpe discusses a case study on how the emotional and moral labour of care workers operates in residential settings.

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Social work, prevention and multiple exclusion homelessness


Ian Cummins examines research on multiple exclusion homelessness and finds that social work may have an important role for prevention.

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How “Big Society” is experienced in the lives of people with learning disabilities: Austerity, broken promises and cruel optimism

festival crowd

Big Society? Disabled people with learning disabilities and civil society is a project funded by the Economic and Social research council (June, 2013 – September, 2015).

The project is a collaboration between universities and organisations of and for people with learning disabilities, further details can be found at:

Here, just as the project shares its findings at a national conference, Katherine Runswick Cole sets the scene and Silvana Mengoni posts about one of the published papers from the project.

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Holes in the patchwork: diminishing support for older people from BAME communities?

Eradicating the types of childhood adversity explored in this review will inevitably have a massive positive impact on the mental health of young people.

Robin Miller assesses a paper on what has been happening to the provision of social care services to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) older people and raises concerns about equality.

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What can local decision makers do to address unplanned admissions in the elderly?


This report shares findings of a mixed methods case study, to explore best practice in reducing unplanned admissions in the elderly population.

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