Results: 468

For: qualitative

How do older Black Caribbean adults view seeking help for depression in the UK?


Maisha Kroll reviews a recent qualitative study exploring the help-seeking views relating to depression among older Black Caribbean adults living in the UK.

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Disordered eating during COVID: understanding experiences from Reddit posts


Georgie Parker summarises a research study of Reddit comments posted during Covid-19, which looks at how the pandemic and lockdown affected people with disordered eating behaviours.

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Male suicide prevention: uncovering the challenges associated with “talking”


Cara Richardson explores a recent qualitative study conducted in Scotland, which finds that the contexts in which men talk about suicide are an important part of male suicide prevention.

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Young people who self-harm: perspectives on primary care


In her debut blog, Amelia Talbot summarises a qualitative study investigating young adult’s experiences and perspectives of general practice care for self-harm.

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Mental health stigma and online social support for bipolar disorder: what can we learn from Twitter?


Charlotte Walker explores an online ethnography study that explores how Twitter users discuss mental illness, particularly bipolar disorder, and in what context; focusing specifically on the areas of stigma and social support.

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Inequalities in accessing dementia care and support during COVID-19

old man and woman with mask looking through window

Catherine Talbot reviews a recent qualitative study on accessing post-diagnostic dementia care before and since COVID-19, which highlights the need to reduce inequalities in dementia care.

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Barriers to citizenship for people living with mental health problems


In their debut blog, Nagina Khan and Subodh Dave review a qualitative paper exploring the barriers to citizenship that people with mental health problems face.

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Supporting frontline health and social care workers during COVID-19: experiences of mental health professionals


Laura Culshaw reviews a recent qualitative study on the experiences of mental health professionals supporting frontline health and social care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Does the IAPT self-referral process work for people living in poverty?

London, UK 01/06/2020: NHS Homerton Hospital Flag Signes Inside Hospital Directions Thank You NHS Poll Flag Medical Clinic Pandemic Codid19 Coronavirus Information

In her debut blog, Alice Potter reviews a qualitative study exploring different perspectives on the accessibility of current IAPT self-referral processes for people with mental health problems living in poverty.

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“She kept telling me I had to be one or the other”: bisexual identity invalidation


Andie Ashdown and Theophanis Kyriacou explore a recent qualitative study on bisexual identity invalidation and its consequences for wellbeing, identity, and relationships.

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