Results: 27

For: prospective study

Study finds initial stages of fixed orthodontic treatment result in subjective pain experience and impact on oral health-related quality of life

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Pain is a common side effect of orthodontic treatment and it is particularly common in the first 24 hours following appliance placement. The aims of this prospective controlled longitudinal study were to assess subjective pain experience and oral health-related quality of life (OHQoL) in patients over a 3-month period, following placement of their fixed appliances. [read the full story…]

Can MRI scanning help diagnose autism in infants?


After recent posts delving off into dark woodlands of some methodologically challenging brain imaging studies, we are coming back to a more simple idea: repeatedly scanning the same people from before they develop a disorder through to receiving a diagnosis.  What is different about this study is that it was done with infants aged 6-36 [read the full story…]

Caries risk assessment programmes in pre-school children


Identifying children at greatest risk of caries in order to optimize preventive activity has been a goal of  the dental profession for many a long year and a number of reviews of potential risk factors have been conducted ( see Dental Elf 10th Dec 2012).  This study aimed to assess a number of caries risk [read the full story…]

Sealant use had a small preventive effect on white spot lesions following orthodontic treatment

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White spot lesions (enamel decalcification) is an adverse effect of orthodontic treatment and may be present in up to 50% of patients following removal of fixed appliances.   Topical fluorides have been shown to reduce decalcification and the use of fluoridated bonding composites and elastomerics have also been tested.   The aim of this study was to [read the full story…]

Taught course for medical students not enough to change attitudes towards people with learning disabilities


A couple of years ago, I was involved in some work commissioned by the General Medical Council to create a website for doctors to help them to understand their duties under GMC guidance. Amongst the many striking things about this work was some video on the site taken of some doctors in training, attending a session [read the full story…]

Study suggest 84% survival of composite filings in children and adolescents after eight years

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The aim of this study was to assess the durability of Class I and class II composite resin restorations (CRR) in children and adolescents placed in Public Dental Health Service (PDHS ) clinics. The was a prospective study all children and adolescents up to 18 years treated between November 1998 and December 2002 in all [read the full story…]

Study suggests better outcomes for later treatment of deep bite

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The aim of this trial was to assess the outcomes of early vs late treatment of deep bite patients by means of anterior biteplane appliances followed by fixed appliance therapy. Patients with a deep overbite (> 4.5mm) and fully erupted maxillary and mandibular incisors were allocated to either early or late treatment. Treatment for the [read the full story…]